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Without thinking twice Waris's hand connected with Shab's cheek. A yelp of pain escaping her lips. Her face now turned left by the force of the slap. Her right cheek red and her eyes clenched shut. She was wishing Rayan was here. With her. But she knew it was just a wish.

She missed him more than anything. She missed him so much that she wished to trade him with the air she breathes, so that she could at least die in his arms. 'Stop thinking about him.' Waris shouted. Grabbing her hair. 'Stop it or I'll kill you.' He seethed. A small smile appeared on her face. As if reading her mind, Waris said, 'or how about I kill him?' He smirked watching her face as her eyes widened and a 'no' left her lips.

He very well knew that he had already killed all of her close relatives. After all Waris himself was the one who killed them. But his sugar didn't need to know that! Not yet! So he continued his pretence. 'Tell me sugar? Would you like me to bring him back here?' He laughed. Shabz almost fell to her knees. Begging.

'Baby, now dont be ridiculous. I would never want my princess to kneel down in front of me. But tell me baby why wouldn't you want to be with me? I am not like others my love. I would never force you to do chores, or shout at you for not cooking or not doing laundry. I'd try to keep you happy.'

Shab almost laughed at Waris's ridiculous words. It would've been funny if Shafiqa didn't really know that Waris was a psychopath. But she couldn't stop the anger from bubbling in her chest. She was sure that her anger was going to get her in trouble. But she couldn't stop the words from leaving her lips. So she spoke in a raised voice.

'You dont really get it. Do you? Do you think I would trade my old life with what you are offering? I am ready to work all day and night if it means I get to live with Rayan. I am NOT a lazy whore. I will not fall for you or open my legs or be your fucking wife. I dont want to be with you! Even if you keep me like a fucking queen. Its a NO. A two alphabet word. Is it that hard to understand? Nothing I say or do seems to get in that thick head of yours! I am not a hoe. I can not accept this! Do you understand?'

Waris was fuming! He didn't want his sugar to talk like this. He didnt like when his sugar used this language. He was staring at her, her face turned a shade of pink. He was angry. Staring at her. He wanted to hurt her. Her tears turned him on like nothing else. So he took a step forward. But Shafiqa didn't take a step back. She stood her ground. Amused by her courage, Waris stood still for a moment and then a smirked.

'The more you struggle, the more I'll enjoy my love. The way you are trying to be brave. It will be so much fun, to break you. Just thinking about it turns me on. Oh my sugar.' One of his hands was in her hair and other on her waist. He leaned down and whispered in her ears. 'My love, let me love you!' A shiver ran down her spine and he smiled. Knowing the effect he had on her.

'You know my love I've to confess something. I did...' he trailed off. Looking at her face he couldn't help but smile at the thought of her reaction. Her reaction, when he tells her that her family is no more. That he killed her family. 'I killed them. I killed your family.' She stared at him. She was in a state of lucidity. Her face neutral. Her mind blank. It stopped working. She knew he was capable of doing it. She knew it could be true, but her heart kept denying it.

Her eyes filled with tears when she came back to her senses. Waris pulled her towards him and kissed her. Before she could object or scream, his lips were on hers. She felt a sharp pain in her head. Her eyes screwed shut. She tried to push him away, but her body felt limp when she saw her family. It was like they were in front of her. All happy and smiling. They were fading away.

For some moments everything and everyone she knew flashed before her eyes and faded. She felt like she didnt have control over her mind. She tried to hold on to every image that she could see but it was all in vain. It was like her mind was being washed. Her memory was being deleted.

Waris was pleased with himself. He knew that he couldn't put a spell on Shabz. She was guarded by a spell that her father put on her. He could only use magic on her when her mind and heart were vulnerable. Vulnerable enough to be controlled by someone else. To be controlled by him. So he was erasing her memory. He couldn't stay away from her anymore. He wanted her. All of her. And this was the beginning of his and his sugar's forever.


Hey guys.
Not the best chapter but I still tried.
Please enjoy.

Love you all❤

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