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Rayan's POV

'Shirin aunty I went to the priest today. He told me everything. Shab is not in coma because of the injury. Someone has put her body to sleep using black magic. Her soul has been detached from her body. Her soul is trapped. I don't know where. I don't know anything. I just know that her soul is constantly trying to come back to her body and with each passing day her soul is going out of our and her body's reach.' I felt like I was blabbering but i needed her to understand this! 'Do you remember when we first bought her to the hospital she was reacting. Even after her treatment she slept holding my hand. But after some days she started sleeping more we thought it was because of the medicines. But someone was pulling her soul out of her body. When we bought her here she didn't have this black thread tied to her arm. I think someone close to us is doing this. Someone who can go near Shab. I need your help to save her.'

By the time I finished Shab's mom was in tears. I could understand. Her husband was in hospital and her daughter too. How could she handle all this. But I had to tell her. I can't trust anyone else right now. Not even my mom. She doesn't like the idea of me and Shab together. I don't think she would do something like this but, better to take precautions. Her mother was shaking. I couldn't help but drape an arm around her body. She hugged me. And started to cry harder.

'Rayan I- I want to see my daughter. My baby.' She cried.

'But au-'

'Please Rayan. I want to see her.' She looked at me. Begging.

'Okay.' I sighed.

We exited the cafeteria and I walked her to Shab's room. I opened the door for her and when my eyes landed on her, A piece of me died looking at her lying lifeless. Eyes closed. Her breaths shallow. I closed my eyes. I'll bring you back babe. Her mother entered the room and stood near the door waiting for me to close it. I gave her a small smile and she nodded. I closed the door and sat on one of the chairs waiting for her to come out. So I could meet her too. But I don't think I would be able to meet her. Visiting hours will be over soon. Sighing I leaned my head in my hands with my elbows resting on my knees. I need to find out who is putting Shab through all this.

Shabz's POV

It's been like 2 hours since HE stormed out of the room and I am still wondering where the hell did the chain go. Not that I am complaining, but still it's kind of wierd? Well everything is kind of wierd right now. Like how I didn't eat or drink anything since I woke up and still I am not hungry or thirsty. I am hearing voices but can't see people. My dad acted like he wasn't a human. A demon wants to have me. This room seems to be as big as a cricket stadium, it's actually a creepy room. I can see the walls but can't touch them. When i try to touch the walls my hand went through it. I wanted to walk through it but am too scared.

'Oh Shab when will all this be over?'


'I am so tired baby.'

Me too mom. I miss you.

Tears started to flow down my face. I miss my mom.

'So exhausted, I am so exhausted of crying. Fake crying takes a toll on me you know?'

My eyes flew open. What? Fake crying?

'I was so close to killing you. We were so close to killing you. But your smart ass boyfriend had to ruin it all.' She sneered.

Is this my mom? She wants to kill me? But why?

'He removed the thread from your hand and set you free from the chain! I would've killed him if he weren't so hot and handsome. I could put a spell on him and make him love me you know?'

Bile rose in my throat. This couldn't be my mom. May be my mind is playing ga-... Did she say Rayan freed me from my chain?

He removed the thread from your hand and set you free from the chain!

This is all real! My own mother wants to kill me? For what?

'Do you know what have I done to you? I guess you don't.' After a long pause she continued.
'So my sweet innocent daughter. Umm... we don't have much time. So let me tell you in short. I have learned magic. Which I decided to use for dark purpose. One being your death!'

I sat there on the bed listening to this woman who I called my mother. How could she do this to me? I did nothing wrong to her and she was speaking all this so casually. Like it was some story. As if she were discussing the weather with me.

'Do you know Asmodeus? The Lord of lust? I worship him. How do you think I made your dad fall in love with me?' She whispered.

' I-' She was cut of by the sound of the door opening.

'Ma'am visiting hours are over. Please let the patient rest.' A voice said.

'Yes, please give me a second. I want to hug my baby once again before I go home.' She sniffled.

Award winning performance. I thought to myself. I was so sick of crying that I wasn't crying. I just looked at my hands folded on my lap. May be I don't deserve love.

I felt a little weight on my shoulders I was uncomfortable. 'I'll come to see you again baby.' She said.

'Ma'am you are putting pressure on her. She is already in a fragile state.'
The voice said again.

'See you Shabz.'


Enjoy loves❤

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