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Why was this happening to me? Did I really deserve this? I imagined myself somewhere else. I wanted to be anywhere but here. I felt suffocated. I felt so many emotions but I refused to show. I was past it. I was done with crying. My family was in this with me. For me. Because of me. I want to be done with it. I want to free my family and myself.

But I knew there was no way HE would let us all go. There was no way HE would let me go. Even if HE lets my family go. I cant imagine the amount of hurt and sadness they'll go through. I can't imagine my dad's face when he would enter my room and wouldn't find me.

I can't imagine mother's crying fa-. A new wave of emotions came over me. I couldn't breathe now. I felt like all the emotions, all my feelings were choking me. Their weight was crumbling me.

My mom was no more with me. All those hugs and kisses, all those I love yous. I'll never experience it. I'll never experience any of that again. The thought made me want to cry. But I couldn't cry. My heart was aching. My mom. She was no more.

If I don't submit HE will kill more of my family members. I wanted to escape. I wanted to escape so badly but deep down I knew I would either die trying or HE would kill my family one by one for punishing me.

If my body is there, am I a soul? Does that mean I am dead? If I am already dead how can I talk to my family? My dad and Rayan both talked to me. Does that mean- I cut that horrible thought before it could end. They are all okay and I need to save them.

Time's sword was hanging on my head. Should I do what my heart was really telling me to? Yes! I should. I should save my family. That's the only way. But how will they deal with the heartbreak? That too alone? But I should submit. I must submit.

At least my family will be safe. But I'll miss them. How will I be able to live without them? With HIM? I lifted my gaze and looked at HIM. 'Am- am I dead?' Was the first thing I could think of asking. My question brought a frown on HIS face. 'Sugar, why would you think that? You're not de-' HE took a long pause. 'You're alive and well my love.' He said looking at me reassuringly. Reassuring my ass.

'Do you want me to put you back in your body?' The thought made me shiver. I just stared at HIM and nodded my head. HE came towards me and whispered in my ears. 'Close your eyes sugar.' I obliged.

After some moments of silence I started to feel smooth material underneath me. It started as just a caress but as seconds ticked by I felt my weight on my back. I felt the hair sticking to my neck. The cold air gave me goosebumps.

'Open your eyes for me sugar.' HIS voice was soothing. I would never understand how someone so cruel could be so comforting. I slowly opened my eyes. As soon as I saw HIS face centimetres away from mine. My eyes widened in shock and a gasp left my lips.

HE chuckled. A mischievous smile on HIS face. One of HIS hands on my waist and other one supporting HIM. I shuddered as the reminder of the last flashback came to my mind. HE would not do that. Would HE? HE would.

I kept staring at HIS face in shock and fear. I knew something was going to happen. I knew it was close. I felt in the pit of my stomach. Something bad was going to happen. HE moved HIS hand in my hair towards my neck. HE inched closer. The fear of what was about to happen made me want to cry all over.

In that moment of pure fear I placed my hands on HIS chest. I tried to push HIM off but he wouldn't budge. 'Please stop.' Were the only words that managed to come out of my throat. HE laughed at my feeble attempts to free myself.

'See sugar. Didn't I tell you? You are alive? Now tell me baby did you decide to stay with me? Love me?' HE was looking at me. No, staring at me. Right in my eyes. Like demanding for an answer. An answer that HE wants.

When I didn't reply HE continued. 'Well then, may be this would help you decide.' HE said and snapped HIS fingers. We were back to where I ran from but Rayan and my dad were nowhere to be seen. My eyes desperately searched for them. A simple thought of what would have happened to them was painful.

'Where are my father and Rayan?' I asked on the verge of tears. HE snapped HIS fingers again and I could see my dad walking with two men holding him. He was in chains. I could see Rayan walking behind him.

That was all I could take. I ran towards them but was yanked back by HIM. My back was to HIS chest HIS hands circling my waist and HE pulled me and held me tightly against HIS chest.

'By the way,' HE then whispered in my ear. 'I really stabbed him. In. His. Eyes.'

I was fighting telling HIM to let me go. HE grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled my head back. 'If you struggle sugar. I will kill each of them in front of you.' I knew what this man was capable of. So I just sobbed uncontrollably.

HE turned me around and slapped me. HE was still holding me with one of HIS hands so I didn't fall. But it was enough to throw me off balance. I could hear Rayan and my Dad shouting my name from behind me.

'I need an answer sugar. Do you understand me?' I stuttered a yes. HE turned me around again so that I could see my but held me tightly against HIS chest. 'Good girl. Now you see baby these measly creatures think that they can take you away from me. Why don't you tell me that you love me in front of them? If you do not do as I say my love, I'll punish you sugar.'

I need to save my family. I need to save my family. I need to save my family. 'I- I love...' my eyes trailed from my dad to Rayan. He looked so angry and hurt. He was looking at me shaking his head. That was when i saw that he was injured. His ear was bleeding. 'Rayan.' Without even realising I whispered his name.

In an instant Rayan was on the ground and and it felt like someone was choking him. 'No no please don't do that. Please leave him. Please.' I was struggling I was trying to stop something that was not in my control. 'Please stop.' HIS grip on me loosened. 'I love you. Please. Stop this.'

Rayan was not struggling anymore. He was now taking deep breaths. He was coughing. My dad was still standing there not a single tear in his eyes. But I knew he was trying to be strong for me.

Now it was my turn. My turn to be strong for them. 'If I stay will you let them go? Will you do something to make them forget me? Would you erase me from their memory? W-would you let them live?' I was breathing heavily. I didn't try to stop my tears. I let them go. Rayan and dad were telling me not to give up. They were telling me to have hope.

If they forget me. It wont be a problem. HE has some supernatural powers. HE could do anything. I looked back up at HIM. Expectantly. 'Would you make me forget them?'
HIS face was emotionless. Then HE smirked. 'Sugar? Did I break you already?'


Loveeeeliessss *uhm uhm* so here's a new chapter.

I hope you enjoyed. ❤

Love you peeps.

Also... tymber if you're reading this I want to thank you from all my heart for supporting me Tymber2017

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