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I open my eyes slowly as i hear faint sounds. My dad is sitting on the bed beside me one of his hands in my hair his black eyes teary and a frown etched on his handsome face. He looks down at me and a tear falls from his eye.

'Dad'. I whisper.

'Shabz'. He answers.

He smiles at me knowing that if he asks me what happened I wouldn't tell him. Because he knows that I don't want to add one more problem in his life. He knows how much I love him and I know he loves me too. I reach up and wipe his tears.

'Don't cry dad. I am fine'

'You have grown up shaf. But you still cannot fool me dear daughter.' He tries to laugh.

'Daddddd' I whine. My relation with my dad has always been like this. So much playful.

'Shab I know you won't tell me but I need to know what is happening here. I am hours away from you and I can't be okay knowing that my daughter is not alright. Tell me what is wrong please. I will try to understand you.'
He continues when I don't answer.

'Shab please?' He takes a shaky breath and then continues 'okay... I get it. Tell me when you are comfortable with it'. He turns to leave my room. And as soon as he reaches the door he says in low voice 'I love you shab.'

I feel guilty. I feel so bad for hiding all of this from him. He had to drive for so long just for me to not tell him anything and shut him out. Wait! What time is it? I was out for more than 2 hours. School? Submission? Shit! I stand up and head downstairs. Halfway I hear Mom and Dad.

'What did you do to her?'

'What? I didn't do anything!'

'If something happens to my daughter...'

'She is my daughter too Farid.' My mother sternly replies.

'Don't think that I...' my dad is cut by a notification . My phone. God. I am damned. My dad turns towards the stairs his angry features soften once he looks at me. 'Shab? Come here honey'. He smiles at me. I nervously walk towards him. My mother looking at us giving us a look that I can't decipher. I have never seen this. This, rage in her eyes. My dad follows my gaze and 'shirin?' He calls her sternly. I mother's features change. As if something in her snapped. She walks towards us. I look at them. On the verge of tears. Dad tucks my hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead.
He kneels down in front of me and takes both of my hands in his, looking at me with so much love.

'I am sorry. I didn't want...we didn't want you to witness all this. We are sorry baby.' 'Shirin I am sorry. I didn't want to snap at you like that.' My mother stares at dad. Dad stares at mom. They both stare at each other and I stare at them. What are we doing? Having a staring contest?

'Uhmm... I...umm I'll go to my room then...' I awkwardly smile at them and they both laugh at me. In no time the tension in the room dissolves and all of us giggle. In a world full of problems this is where my peace is. Both of them... watching both of smile is what keeps me going. Their love and affection is what gives me hope that the things that are happening with me are just some stupid dreams.

'I love you mom dad.'

'We love you too baby.'

Three of us cooked lunch which wasn't such a good idea. Because mum told us to pass her something and we passed something else. Lastly we ended up ordering pizza.

While mom cleaned the kitchen me and Dad watched some stupid television show. Talked about my school. My dad told me that he will leave at 10 p.m. because he has some meeting to attend. He told me about his boss who always appreciates dad. And his colleagues who support each other too. I felt at peace. With my dad sitting beside me talking to me about random things and my mom in kitchen working and humming a song. A perfect life. A perfect family.

Images flashes through my mind.

'You are mine.' He has me pinned to the bed. Whispering in my ear. Biting, sucking. I whimper but he doesn't stop. My whimpers and tears encourage him to torture me more. He holds my hands above my head in his one hand. 'You can't escape. You can't run.' 

I am pulled back from my flashback when dad calls me.
'Shafiqa? Why are you crying? What's wrong?' His eyes worried.

I am crying? I touch my cheek wipe my tears away.

'Nothing dad it's just that I miss you. A lot. And now you will go away again.'

'I will be back before you know it.' He smiles. Trying to lighten my mood.

We are interrupted by the doorbell.

'Oh the pizza is here' says my mom and goes to open the door.

Rest of the day went in a blur, and in no time my dad will be leave. I will miss him. Those nightmares never haunted me when he lives with us. It all started after he got transferred. At first I thought it was just my mind playing tricks. But then it started bothering me when every time I had this nightmare. There would be a mark on my bed sheet. A star drawn in black. Chills run down my spine when I remember that. I wonder when all of this will be over. I hope it does soon. I don't think that I will be able to handle this anymore.

Hey guys this chapter was kinda boring. But I had to shares some details about Shabz's life right?
Next chapter will definitely be an interesting one. Thank you.
❤lots of love❤

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