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There is a little girl trapped somewhere,

The place is dark and she is crying in there.

They were fading out of my sight. Their cries slowly coming to a stop. HE dragged me with HIM. My hand in HIS. HE grabbed me by my hair, now I couldn't even turn back and look at them. My family. I am leaving my family. I am leaving my family. Silent tears fell from my eyes.

I tried to pull my hair and get free from HIS grip. But all it did was hurt me in return. HIS grip on my hair became tighter and my scalp burned. I couldn't see where we were going. I was a sobbing mess. 'Listen sugar one more tear and they will die a slow painful death! I promise my love that they will watch me all over you and beg for death. I will make them feel such pain that they'll think death would've been better!'

HE pushed me against a tree when I didnt answer. HIS face too near to mine. HIS eyes promising. I had to listen. I didnt have a choice. I nodded. HIS hand raised and I flinched. A look of hurt crossed HIS face and he cupped my face wiping my tears with HIS thumb. 'I don't want you to be scared of me my love.'

I looked up HIM. 'Please would you make them forget me? Would you erase me from their memory? Would you do the same to me? Please?' I was on my knees holding HIS right hand in my hands, touching my forehead on HIS hand. I was begging.

HE pulled me on my feet and in a blur our surroundings changed. I couldn't really understand what was HE muttering. But everything, EVERYTHING around me seemed to be turning to liquid. When everything was taking a shape of one thing or the other and when everything was turning to solid again. I was back to that room again.

Panic! It is the only word I could describe the way I was feeling. This room. This room is where everything started. Everything. It all started to replay in my mind. How am I ever gonna get out of here? I turned around and stared at HIM. I asked HIM. Questions that kept running through my mind.

'Why me?' HE looked at me with amusement. 'Why me? Seth? Is it your real name? What I saw was it all real?'

'What do you mean by that my love? What do you mean by 'why you'?' HE walked towards me. Stopping right in front of me. HE caressed my cheek with the back of HIS fingers. I took a step back. 'Scared now. Are we, sugar?' Came HIS mocking voice.

'Tell me sugar? Today you're going to get every answer you want.' HE said as HE took my hand and walked towards the bed. HE sat on the bed and patted the spot next to HIM. I sat few inches away from the spot. Trying to put some distance between us.

HE didnt say a word and I was thankful for it. When HE didn't say anything I started to speak. 'There are so many other girls, girls that are more beautiful than me. Girls powerful like you. Those are like you. Then why chose me? Why force me to love you when girls would willingly come and live with you?'

A frown etched on HIS face. He spoke in a soft voice. 'Sugar I dont want you to compare yourself to anyone. You are yourself and I love that about you. And as for my name. My name is Waris. I have many names, Sugar.'

I wanted to slap HIM but I knew better than that. I smiled helplessly. I couldn't really do anything. I looked at my hands folded in my lap. HE lifted my face holding my chin.

'Mine.' Was all he said.


Almost done guys. Almost done!

I love you!

Tell me how was the chapter?


Thanks Tymber2017 for your support! I love you too

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