Episode Eighteen: New Places, Weird Faces

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(Start in the Neksdor Desert. CAMERON and DAPH-NII are walking together.)

Cameron-So, Daph-Nii, are you excited to see your mom again?

Daph-Nii-Well, yes, but actually no. I mean, I haven't seen this woman in seventeen years. What if she doesn't recognize me?

Cameron-Daph-Nii, she's your mom. She'll definitely recognize you.

Daph-Nii-There's also the whole matter of summoning the Dark Lord.

Cameron-Wait. How do you know that?

Guardian-She has to know the truth, Cameron.

Daph-Nii-Like, what if she says no? She summoned the Dark Lord. She must be some eccentric anime villain mom who won't listen to reason, like Satsuki's mom from "Kill la Kill." There are so many things that might keep this from being a touching reunion and just make it really awkward.

Cameron-Quit worrying about it, Daph-Nii. Everything is going to go as planned. I know it.

(DAPH-NII glares at CAMERON.)

Daph-Nii-That statement is too cheesy to be heartfelt.

Cameron-I just want you to put your cynicism to the side and go with the flow.

Daph-Nii-Go with the flow. Okay. So are you sure you know where we're going?

Cameron-Of course.

(Pan over the vast desert.)

Cameron-If anyone can navigate through a bunch of piles of sand, it's me.

Daph-Nii-We're fucked.

(Opening theme. Cut to outside the Maven Mage's palace, a large, ornate palace made of sand. DAPH-NII and CAMERON are standing at the front door.)

Daph-Nii-So this is where my mother lives?

Cameron-Yep. When you have magic superpowers, you can make gigantic shit like this. Now, the only way for civilians to get in is through this door.

Daph-Nii-Civilians?! I am daughter of the Maven Mage and Keeper of the Guardian. You'd best believe I'm more than just a civilian!

Cameron-That's the spirit! Now, let's go.

(He opens the door. JUNKO is on the other side.)

Junko-Hey, Cameron!

Cameron-Hey, Junko. Is Saralyn here?


(She takes one look at DAPH-NII and does a fist pump.)

Junko-Right this way, please.

(She leads DAPH-NII and CAMERON into the palace. They go down the foyer into the throne room. The throne room is very dark, lit by torches on the wall. SARALYN's throne is in the back, at the top of a dozen golden steps. SARALYN sits at the top wearing a dark blue robe and hat lined with pink.)

Daph-Nii-What the hell...

Saralyn-Who goes there?!

Cameron-Uh...it's just me, my Mage. And I brought a friend.

(He steps aside, revealing DAPH-NII. SARALYN gasps.)



(SARALYN descends from her throne and stands in front of DAPH-NII.)

Saralyn-So my prodigal daughter has finally returned!

(She hugs DAPH-NII tightly.)

Daph-Nii-You left us. If anything, you're the prodigal one. How do even recognize me?

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