Episode Twenty: Junko Don't Get No Respect

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(Start in Wetland Way. DAPH-NII, CAMERON, SARALYN, and JUNKO are walking together. DAPH-NII is rapping.)

Daph-Nii-Okay, then. Let's get walkin'. On the way, some of us are talkin'.

Cameron-I'm getting blisters.

Daph-Nii-Cameron's got blisters, really sad.

Junko-Still thinking about last night's meal.

Daph-Nii-Last night's meal wasn't that bad.

(She sighs.)

Daph-Nii-These rhymes sure are hard.

Cameron-Hard like my-

Daph-Nii-Cameron, don't. I don't want us to end up like my team in Greenhorne.

Cameron-How'd your team in Greenhorne end up?

Daph-Nii-Nonstop sexual tension. Every other sentence was an innuendo, and everyone just wanted to bang me.

Cameron-Even the girl?

Daph-Nii-Especially the girl, and she didn't even have naughty parts. I just want us to be one big, happy, platonic family.

Cameron-I don't think that's happening with Junko on the team.

(DAPH-NII looks at SARALYN and JUNKO, who are talking ahead of them. Zoom in on JUNKO's breasts.)

Daph-Nii-I mean, Junko does have a pair of hooters that look like they came out of an anime, and that bodysuit...

(Wolf whistle.)

Daph-Nii-But we can't concern ourselves with that. We here on Team Neksdor have one priority, and that's taking the Dark Lord down!

Cameron-Team Neksdor?

Daph-Nii-That's just a name I came up with. It probably won't stick. Anyway, Cameron, repeat after me: no sexual tension!

Cameron-No sexual tension!

Daph-Nii-No naughty words!

Cameron-No naughty words!

Daph-Nii-And no fucking!

Cameron-Uh, are you even listening to yourself right now?

(Opening theme. They come across a sign. The path to the left says "Treasure path" while the path to the right says "Here be moles.")

Daph-Nii-Here be moles? No way, Jose.

Junko-Hey! I have a friend named Jose, and he'd be really pissed if he heard you say that!

Saralyn-I've never heard of this Jose.

Junko-His actual name is Juan, and he's a really chill guy.

Daph-Nii-Either way, I'm gonna say no to the moles. Moles suck. Let's make like Beyonce and go to the left, to the left.

(They go to the left. They come across a treasure chest.)

Daph-Nii-Woo yeah! Treasure!

(She opens the treasure chest. Four jade butterflies fly out of it.)

Daph-Nii-You guys serious?


(They draw their weapons. CAMERON attacks Jade Butterfly D, defeating it.)


Daph-Nii-Okay, here's what I've been thinking. I've been doing some stat studying, and it turns out my special talent is staying alive. I've got HP and MP for days, crappy attack, and a ton of good abilities. Cameron and Saralyn, however, you have attack for days. Junko, I'm not so sure because I haven't seen you fight yet.

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