Episode Nineteen: Isaiah Gets Duped!

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(Start in Neksdor Town. JUNKO is showing SARALYN's broomstick to ASHER [originally Hinata from "Danganronpa"] and ARIA.)

Junko-And when I told her about my vision, she said I was crazy! Mostly because I was. But when my vision turned out to be true and we met up with her daughter and set out on our journey, she didn't let me fight one bit. Why? Because she said "my powers weren't strong enough." Does this look like my powers aren't strong enough?!

(She makes everything within a ten-foot radius begin floating in the air.)

Aria-So what are you getting at?

(Everything falls to the ground unceremoniously.)

Junko-I am a former student of the Maven Mage, and I have split from her and stolen her trusty broomstick, which I am now selling to you at a hefty price. Now she won't be able to use her magic ever again! Unless...

(A thought bubble comes out of her head. Inside, a crudely drawn image of SARALYN is shooting fire out of her hands.)

Junko Imitating Saralyn-Eat fire, bitch!

Asher-140 gold isn't a hefty price.

Junko-Goddammit! I'm just trying to make an unscrupulous deal! Can't you just let me have my moment?

Asher-Fine, we'll buy your stupid broom.


Aria-But if you're really into unscrupulous deals, I know someone you can talk to.

Junko-I'm listening...

(Opening theme. Cut to the Neksdor Desert. DAPH-NII, CAMERON, and SARALYN are walking together.)

Daph-Nii-I gotta say, I'm liking the new hairstyle. I mean, it's shorter. There's less hair to insulate all that heat. This suit is kinda warm, though.

Cameron-You don't have to wear it.

Daph-Nii-Shut up. I'm wearing it.

(They come across a big treasure chest.)

Daph-Nii-Ooh, there's a big ol' treasure chest. Open sesame!

(She opens the treasure chest. Inside is a a pastel purple dress and bow with white polka dots.)

Daph-Nii-A polka dot outfit. Finally, we can be the polka dot squad!

Cameron-The polka dot what?

Daph-Nii-Guardian, costume change.

Guardian-Alright, but let me remind you that I am your guardian, not your personal servant.

(With a flash of white light, DAPH-NII changes into the clothes. She strikes a pose.)

Daph-Nii-There. Now, onward!

(They resume walking. CAMERON looks at DAPH-NII in awe.)

Daph-Nii/Guardian-Quit looking at me/her like you wanted to see me/her naked.

(They come across an inn.)

Saralyn-An inn? That was...oddly quick. It's not even nighttime.

Daph-Nii-It wouldn't hurt to stop now. Who knows when the next inn's going to show up?

Cameron-Tomorrow night, probably. They're always in the most convenient places.

(Cut to DAPH-NII and CAMERON's room. CAMERON walks up to DAPH-NII's bed with a box.)

Cameron-Went shopping. Got you something.

Daph-Nii-Another present? Are you sure you're not trying to woo me? Heh. Woomy.

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