Episode Twenty-Four: Nerf Those Birds!

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(Start in the Neksdor Desert. The gang is walking together. DAPH-NII is narrating.)

Daph-Nii-(voice only) So basically what happened is the Dark Lord made us come all the way back here to rescue some more faces, and we are not very happy about it.

Saralyn-I knew this leather robe was a bad choice.

Junko-Chin up, My Mage! You've made it this far through this heat!

(She puts an arm around SARALYN's shoulder.)

Junko-Ew, sticky.

(They hear a rumbling noise. JUNKO pulls away.)

Junko-What was that? I just heard something!

Daph-Nii-Yeah, me too! Kind of a low, growling sound.

Junko-Maybe it's a monster! Be careful now...

Cameron-Watch it be, like, a bunny or something.

Saralyn-Erm...Actually, I just didn't eat breakfast today.



Saralyn-Yeah. I'm on this new diet. I'm not supposed to eat before noon.

Junko-That's sad.

Saralyn-I've been doing it since the beginning of the year. Why do you act like you're just hearing about this?

Cameron-Look alive, team. There are monsters up ahead.


(They are stopped by a Venus Mii trap and four jade butterflies.)

Daph-Nii-Oh, no. Not another one of these things. Is it, like, an even worse version?

Saralyn-What is it?

Daph-Nii-It eats you. Like, straight up.

Junko-Well, I like vore. Let the battles begin!

(Opening theme. They draw their weapons. CAMERON shakes his flask.)

Cameron-Take this!

Junko-Actually, never mind. Cameron's just going to murder them all.

(CAMERON sprays acid on the monster, defeating all the jade butterflies.)

Daph-Nii-Except for the one I want to be killed.

(SARALYN attacks the Venus Mii trap, defeating it.)


Saralyn-That was quick.

(They resume walking.)

Saralyn-I actually have a name for those. I call them Venus Mii traps. Isn't it creative?

Daph-Nii-Wait. You've been naming all the monsters?

Saralyn-Been naming? I had them all named right at the start. The Dark Curse and I spent days coming up with all sorts of monsters. Their attacks, their appearances, their names. I like to think of them as my children. Children I now have to destroy.

Daph-Nii-How long have you been planning this whole destroy-Miitopia thing?

(SARALYN's face freezes up in panic.)


(They are stopped by three cactus balls.)

Saralyn-Excellent timing.

Junko-Apparently, that last battle wasn't enough of a challenge. Well, challenge accepted, Busty Balls!

Saralyn-Actually, they're called Cactus Balls.

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