It's a date then? Ep.7

Start from the beginning

"Thanks Seven.".

"If you wanna show me your thanks, you know what to say." he says with a cheeky grin.

I roll my eyes playfully and mockingly say "Thank you lord 707, defender of justice, hacker of the gods." .

He corrects me, saying "Apparently, It's actually, 'Thank you lord 707, handsome tomato hacker of the gods, and defender of justice, but I'll let it slide.".

I cant help but giggle, my laughter only increasing as he takes a sip of his coffee and pulls away with a whipped-cream mustache.

After my fair share of laughter, I ask "When is the date again?".

"Tomorrow, this Friday, at 8pm. You guys will meet at the park then head over to the restaurant I booked.".

"That seems like a lot of hassle for a blind date." I point out.

Seven just shrugs his shoulders and brushes it aside, starting a new topic. I don't question it and enjoy a bit more conversation while he finishes his, mostly sugar, liquid he calls 'coffee'.




Jaehee POV, 1 Hour Earlier.


I'm nose deep in a book when my phone buzzes on the coffee table. I check the notifications and my screen has a flashing 'You have a DM from 707'. I find it a bit odd considering we aren't exactly the best of friends, but also not strangers. Curious, I set aside my book and check the message.


707: "Miss Kang! The woman with a plan. I have a plan and It involves YOU! So exciting :3"

Jaehee Kang: "Can't you greet someone normally?"

707: "Nope! Anyways, I came to ask if you're available on Friday night? About 8:30."

Jaehee Kang: "Why? Did you need something?"

707: "Sorta..."

707: "I need you to go on a date."

Jaehee Kang: "What?! Why? I have no interest in dating."

707: "But it's already planned! You'll like them, I promise."

707: "Please~? If it doesn't work out and you don't like them, I wont ask again, kay?"

Jaehee Kang: "If I say no, will you keep hounding me?"

707: "A magician never reveals his secrets ;)"

I ponder this for a while before responding, but knowing Luciel, when he has his mind set, not much can get in the way of stopping it.

Jaehee Kang: "Ugh. Fine, I'll go."

707: "Yay! It's settled then! One sec and I'll get you the address."


The address comes through a minute later. "A fancy four star Italian place, huh." I say to myself.

"What'd you say Jaehee?" MC says from behind me.

I nearly jump from my seat, "Oh, I thought you were playing games with your friends.".

"I was," She walks around and plops next to me, "But I thought it would be nice to see what you're doing.".

"Oh," I grab my book and hold it up slightly for her to see, "I'm reading a classical love story I got shipped in. It's supposed to be really good and I've been meaning to read it, but its been sitting on my shelf for a year or two.".

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