"You don't have to say anything, i know what you want and need" she tip toes whispering in my ear before licking my ear, Fuck. She grips my hand firmly guiding me towards the room i was just in with Cassie. What is she doing? No what the fuck am i doing?

Cassie's pov:

It's about quarter past six before i get out of my bed, throwing my comforter on the floor as a sign of not wanting to get ready for school, but then i thought of Noah and my world lit up.

I run across the hardwood floor of my room to enter my bathroom. I turn the shower on and look up at myself through the mirror, the dark circles under my eyes have faded and i feel a less useless in this world now. Sure i still feel a hint off sadness but when I'm with Noah it fades and finally it will fade forever. I hop in the shower washing every inch of my body before getting out and changing. I place on a sweater and some ripped black jeans, simple but cute.

I cautiously walk down the head of stairs, poking my head out to see if John or Lacey is here. I honestly don't want too see them or even speak too them, it's not that i don't have the energy to. It's the fact i feel like Lacey is trying a bit to hard to communicate with me and John ignores me. I'm more than grateful he's ignoring me, seeing his putrid self stabs me from the inside and makes me want to vomit my guts out. Yet for Lacey in the other hand, I'm scared for her. God i hope she's not naive. A part of me wishes Lacey came into Johns life before any of this nightmare happened, but you can't rewrite history unfortunately.

Lacey's voice fills the air but John's is no where to be heard or found, thank god. But still my avoidance towards Lacey and John has caused more than a thick layer of tension between the atmosphere and us. I honestly don't know how to act around them. I walk at a slow pace towards the main entrance, being as quiet as quiet can be. But when you wear Sneakers theres bound to be some footsteps heard especially if the floor is hard wood. Shit.

"Cassie" i hear a familiar voice

"Cassie dear is that you?" I mentally slap myself as Laceys voice comes closer alongside her presence.

"Uh. . Hi" i stutter turning around slowly to be greeted by het.

"Hi" she giggles lightly. "Would you want some breakfast before you go?" She pleads.

"Sorry I'm not hungry" I whispered loud enough for her to hear, keeping my eyes fixated on my old school vans. The creases in her face make it out as if she's frowning. But what does she expect, i be her best friend? Build a mother and daughter relationship with her? Look where that lead me, a dead mom. You expect them to stay around and be your best friend forever, they help you with everything and their someone you rely on. I'd love that to be me and Lacey. A mother figure would be nice and Lacey would be perfect since she resembles my mother so much but unfortunately I can't. I'm saving myself the heartache of having to face yet another trauma. If Lacey died from him, i wouldn't know how to live.

"Well, John left for a business trip and god knows when he will return, so it's just you and me for a bit." She smiles.

" maybe we can get to know each other more and spend some time together, i'd like to get to know soon to be step daughter" she says nervously, gazing into my eyes trying to read me. But my head floods with her last sentence, step daughter?

"Soon to be step daughter?" I question.

"That means you and John are . . .I say looking for the key to answer my on going questions, the crease in my eyebrows growing by the second.

"Are engaged! " she says excitedly waving the diamond rock placed on her finger, the diamond begins glistening from the rays of sunlight coming in from the large windows surrounding me and Lacey leaving me to move my head around to get away from the bright shining light.

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