Simona took that as her cue, "And what will you be having Deputy Morris?" she asked setting her book down.

His mesmerizing brown eyes focused on her, looking her up and down, then at her chest, he smiled sweetly his gaze leaving her boobs and slowly drifting up to her, then he answered "Orange juice please and a glass of ice water."

       Nearly blushing Simona went to the back to grab a pitcher of Orange juice, nodding at Caleb as he looked up at her from over his large plastic menu. The 29 year old Deputy Morris was a looker, there was no denying it. He had these sparkling honey colored eyes that twinkled like chocolate diamonds when he smiled, high cheek bones that made him look like a model. His thick brown hair was a short professional cut that made him look innocent and sweet but the look in his eyes told you he was anything but. His muscular, but lean fit body was to die for. The tan Deputies uniform showed off his thick muscular arms nicely and the way it hugged his body, you could tell he was solid underneath.

       Though Caleb was no muddy dog either. Quite the contrary Caleb Talley was gorgeous. He had perfectly styled golden blonde hair, short gelled and combed without a hair out of place, like a crooner from the 60's. He had the brightest blue eyes Simona had ever seen, if you could catch a glimpse of them. His anxious boyish smile would make any woman's heart melt, his dimples made all the girls swoon. His bashfulness is what made him seem so sweet and endearing, both women had thought so since middle school and since grade school his body had went from short and pudgy to tall, lean and firm, something to truly admire.

      Reluctantly Simona had learned to advert her eyes from Caleb. Rachel had made her crush on the Deputy very clear to everyone. Everyone but him. He was too shy or blind to notice the tits an inch from his face.

       With a giggle Rachel spoke in her sexy voice, "Catch any bad guys tonight Officer?" she asked still leaning forward so he could see down her shirt. Simona laughed, if she leaned any further she was going to fall over the counter.

    Caleb looked up unsure if she was speaking to him, "Um no," he cleared his throat nervously finally noticing her breasts, "boring night, gave out a speeding ticket to the Ferguson brothers but that's about it."

      Quickly he went back to his menu trying hard not to look up again. She noticed him squirm and flashed a victorious grin. "Those Ferguson boys are always up to no good."

     Stan rolled his eyes watching Rachel making a fool of herself, his aggravation made him chimed in, "It was just a speeding ticket. And technically he's not an Officer."

"I thought you graduated three days ago?" Rachel asked Caleb confused.

     Stan was already getting annoyed with Caleb's bashful fidgeting, "He's a Sheriff's Deputy. A Police Officer works in their jurisdiction, such as a town or city while a the Sheriff's Department has jurisdiction over the entire county." He finished in a nonchalant tone taking a huge swig of his orange juice.

     Surprised by how fast he gulped down his drink Simona filled his almost empty glass since she still had the pitcher in her hand. Curious she asked him, "So how much longer do the new Deputies have to Shadow the Bitter Falls Department?"

"Tomorrow is Caleb's last night. I'll go back to my old post and let the newbies take over." He replied with a jovial smile and gave a Caleb a confident nudge in the shoulder. It was clear that he was proud of his trainee.

"Big party plans Caleb?" Rachel asked.

"Huh?" He looked up again sitting his menu down. "Um, no. Not really."

"Maybe I'll come by your place and give you a little gift or something, just to say... congratulations." She winked at him and stared him down like a piece of meat. It was obvious to everyone that she was offering him much more than a small trinket. The gift she referred to was between her legs.

White Wolf Rising [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now