Chapter Eight.

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Woody's Point Of View

"Yo, I said get the fuck out of my house!" Denver's drunk voice roared as he waved his gun around in the air like he was a mad man.

Okay let's be real, he's the most insane amongst the four of us,

and tonight he was extremely on edge. Boss Mans minions had left a few minutes ago and their visit had ruined the party and the mood so Denver had decided that the party was over and this was his way of kicking everyone out,

by waving his gun around. Typical Denver. 

I glanced at Yale for a moment as we were now standing in the foyer of this house, she was holding onto my T-shirt with her one hand as she scrunched it up in her palm, like little kids would do holding onto their parents when they were scared.

Well there goes the 15 minutes I spent ironing this t-shirt. I thought in jest as I pulled the toothpick from my mouth and tossed it aside and then comforted her as I put my arm around her, protecting her from Denver's rawness.

She smells nice. I like holding her like this, it made me feel as if she needed me to protect her and I liked feeling needed by her. It give me purpose in some fucked up way, like I had someone to protect and take care of after Maggie was no longer here.

"You forgot your shoes homie!" Denver yelled at a drunk guy running out through the large front doors in fear. "Well, I guess they're yours now." I shrugged letting out a breathy laugh as heels clicked on the hard floor, approaching the doors from the inside. Kelly gently shut them closed as the last party guest had left while Denver had spoken to me "It's funny, I was just about to order some Jordan 11's online." he looked at the shoes wondering if they were his size.

"Put that thing away." Kelly rolled her eyes at Denver, referring to his gun.

He listened to her and then exhaled as his eyes darted to see the beautiful girl I had my arm around. It was silent for longer than a moment as he looked at her and then at how my arm was serving as a shield, protecting her inside of it.

We all didn't know what would leave his mouth next,

so we waited for him to say something.

"Cute." He displayed a small drunk smile. "Denver." He held out his hand, speaking to her but she seemed a little taken back but then quickly washed it away to boldly introduce herself. For a moment I was worried that she would be too afraid of him to interact...but she wasn't,

I still held onto her though, just in case.

"Yale." She spoke confidently, placing her dainty hand in his firm one.

"Mmm..." He was in thought for a moment as his eyes showed wondering "like the school?" His drunk dumbass had said.

"Yes, like the school." She smiled and so did I as he let go of her hand.

Denver was calm and this instantly changed the mood.

He's eyes then quickly found Kelly's as he said "Make me coffee, baby." He cleaned his teeth with his tongue "I need to sober up. Woody and I have business to talk about. Important shit." He said ignoring everyone around him as he walked over to the entertainment section in a daze and yelled "Woody! My brother! I love you!" his voice was loud but I couldn't see him as he disappeared behind walls.

I smirked "I love you too, man." I said and meant it, while Yale had smiled.

"Death and the afterlife." he mumbled and then I repeated our saying that we had stuck to since we were twelve, we knew we would never part, we would always be together until death and into the afterlife.

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