Chapter Two.

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Woody's Point Of View

Wet, miserable and silent.

Three words we both were.

I swallowed as I clutched the steering wheel with my thick fingers, street lights along the road beamed in and out of my car, a subtle warmness dancing around, the heater was on but its power wasn't strong enough to dry our clothes. It definitely wasn't strong enough to dry my pants.

Maybe it could dry her t-shirt, I mean it's material was super thin and almost transparent from the water which had made it cling to her sculpted body like a hospital glove but I tried not to look at her,

"Your phone keeps lighting up." She spoke as my phone's screen lit up for like the fucking fiftieth time. I sighed as if her observation wasn't obvious.

I ignored her and glanced in the rearview mirror as I noticed her lift up my phone from its compartment with her dainty fingers, the corner of my eye catching her movement.

"Do you mind if I make a call?" She asked nervously, as if I was going to say no.

I shook my head, keeping my eyes on the road and then I couldn't help but look at her for a moment.

She then glanced at me, almost contemplating if she should and then she dialed a number. The sound of her clicking fast had pulled my attention again and then she held the phone up to her ear.

Her hair was dark and wet, falling over her shoulders, melting down her chest with its length in straightness.

She waited.

They answered.

I listened.

I was curious, and maybe I just wanted to figure her out.

I looked at the t-shirt wrapped around my fist and I knew the bleeding had stopped but I think it would be best to just leave it on there for a while. It didn't bother me while I was driving, I could drive with one hand. I just hope this shit heals quick, I cant go to the hospital right now and check myself in. I'm a wanted man, but I'm sure I'll be fine, nothing I haven't dealt with before.

"Hey, it's" She exhaled and then cupped her forehead, her eyes shut for a moment, she was speed thinking. "I'm sorry for leaving, it was wrong of me to just leave and I'm sorry okay, I'll be home soon. I won't do it again, I swear." She swallowed a lump as I adjusted my grip on the steering wheel.

The feeling of the leather beneath my fingers reminded me that I needed to buy a new car, this one was nice but I have to switch cars every couple of months so that I can stay on the downlow.

"Sure." She nodded. I glanced at her to notice how pale her skin was which only made her naturally pouted red lips stand out.

"Understandable." She responded.

"I'll be home shortly c-calm down." She stuttered and then hung up, gently placing my phone back where she had found it.

Probably her parents, or baby daddy. No ring so I guess she's not married.

She exhaled in relief holding her hand over her heart almost trying to calm it. Her hand rested on her chest above the wetness of her hair.

In that moment unanswered questions were like buzzing bee's in my mind, the noise was annoying but I couldn't-

She cut off my thoughts with her next words.

"Gucci." She tried smiling, pulling up a heel that was of course that...woman's.

I couldn't even bring myself to think her fucking name, as I felt a weight on my chest.

I quickly glanced over and seeing that fucking shoe in her hand, had made me want to lose my shit.

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