Chapter Fourteen.

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Woody's Point of View

I haven't lived alone in fucking years and this was kinda lonely I had to admit. It was so quiet, I could hear myself think. I hated that, the fucking silence...because it forced me to be alone with myself,

with my thoughts.

I shifted in my couch as I stared at my TV. It was off but I just stared into its black pit of nothing.


I reached for my phone on the other end of my couch and then scrolled through my call list.

Fuck, I called her last night!?

I fucking FaceTimed her. I'm such a dumbass, I hope I didn't fucking embarrass myself. I cupped my forehead with my hand leaning forward as I tried to remember what the fuck we spoke about last night.

I told her I wanted to see her today, I do...but shit, that's all I got.

I lifted my eyes to see the time and then noticed that it was 4pm in the afternoon.

I need to call Denver I need to do something, why the fuck am I sitting here like this. I don't like it.

I think-

I stood up from my couch, shoved my phone into my jeans pocket and then shook off my thoughts as I walked towards my kitchen counter where my car keys were.

Skyline GT-R,

I licked my lips in thought. I should really buy more lowkey cars. I really be out here drawing unnecessary attention to myself.

Where the fuck am I even going?
I opened my fridge to find that I was running low on beer and other shit people need to survive, maybe I should go grocery shopping.

Nah, I should go over to Denver's and ask Kelly to go grocery shopping for me. She likes that type of thing, plus she always buys the most healthiest food and food I need to consume for when I gym.

I grabbed one of the 3 remaining beers in my fridge and then opened it, before closing my fridge.


I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as I placed my bottle down on the counter.


I dug into my pocket and pulled out my phone to see an unknown number.

I pinched my brows together in curiosity but then answered anyway.

I placed the phone to my ear. "Yo." I greeted and then I heard chaos in the background as voices screamed with joy as I leaned against my counter.

"Who the fuck is this?" I was confused.

"Hey! Woody man! It's me Vickrim LaCarter!" He yelled over the noise and then I laughed, feeling joy wash over my chest.

"What a fucking surprise! How you doing man!? The fuck, I haven't heard from you in months!" I was shocked but mostly taken back. I picked up my beer and then took a sip.

Vickrim was a drug dealer in Chicago, he's a little fucking crazy but he's a close friend of Den and I. Him and Denver are a lot a like actually.

When Den and I just started out in this business. He was a big help when it came to making connections and building a clientele. This kids so fucking smart, ruthless and honestly he's going to run Chicago one day. I know that city's his for the taking.

He has all the qualities of a drug boss.

"Fuck how I'm doing! I heard you're single now!" I could feel him smirking. "This calls for a celebration man! I always told you love was bullshit and for the weak. You really fucked up when you decided to make shit serious with her, when you bought that fucking house with her...I knew I lost my boy." He said "but I have him back now! And this calls for a fucking celebration." I could hear him over the music and then it softened as I suppose he had walked to another room.

Woody and Yale Falling Underजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें