Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Yale's Point of View

I sat beside Woody's bed as Denver kept staring at me, he was seated on the opposite side drinking a glass of scotch. Woody was asleep, the doctor had just left and informed us that he was going to be okay, he just needed to rest.

My eyes searched his peaceful face as I gently brushed my fingers against his forehead to sweep his hair lovingly. Every part of me was hurting, I just want to talk to him but right now I had to be patient and I had to make sure that he rested.

He needs to rest.

I sniffed and then swallowed.

"You hate me, don't you?" I heard Denver's voice as he took a sip from the glass in his hand. "He's alive unfortunately, so you technically don't have any reason to be mad at me." He spoke referring to Chad. Denver knew people and he got word that the ambulance came just in time to save Chad's life. My abusive boyfriend was alive and honestly a small part of me was hoping that he wouldn't be.

I'm a terrible person, but he traumatised me.

"I don't hate you. I'm not mad at you." I said softly as I gently cupped Woody's face with my hand using my thumb to stroke his cheek softly without making any eye contact with Denver. "I understand why you did what you did, you care about Woody. Chad is the father of my child but he is dangerous. I-" I spoke and then got interrupted as footsteps walked into Woody's bedroom frantically.

"I swear this man has nothing in his house! Ima go out to get us some food. I think we all just need to eat and enjoy a warm meal. Yale I'm sure you're starving." Kelly was sweet as she looked over at me, completely ignoring Denver. She hasn't spoken a word to Denver since she arrived an hour ago after Denver had called her to tell her that Woody got shot.

"Kelly, it's okay I'll get the food." He said in a soft tone but she continued to ignore him as she spoke to me.

"I'll be back in 30. I think Woody's moms on her way. Prepare yourself mentally." She made her eyes big with annoyance and stress before continuing "I strongly dislike that woman, I think she's-" Kelly spoke and then got interrupted by Denver.

"You gon ignore me forever?" He seemed hurt and I could understand why. She pretended like he didn't exist and he loves her, it's hurting him...but she's hurt too and I get that. I really do.

She continued to look at me.

"Chinese? I know this cute lil restaurant in the city. It's called Chang's. My ex boyfriends younger brother works there." She nodded "Maybe I should call Maverick, I'm sure they deliver and then I can be here to support you when Mrs Wood arrives." She was sweet.

"Ex boyfriend? Mmmm Kenzo? The doctor." Denver seemed a little jealous as he lifted himself up from his seat to refill his drink while his eyes showed that he was pissed. "Maybe you should call Kenzo instead, find out if he's still single..." he shrugged as he walked towards the doorframe "because apparently you still think about him." He lifted his brows as he withheld his rage and then smiled at her with disgust before gripping her face with his hand to force her to look at him for the first time tonight.

She didn't fight him. She didn't say a word. She let him force her face without resistance.

"I'll be here though, I'll always be here waiting for you..." He swallowed as she stared at him "waiting for you to realise that I love you." He continued "I deserve it Kelly. I can take it like a man, go fuck Kenzo, go marry Kenzo...but don't ignore me, because nothing hurts more than to not exist to you." He let go of her face as he brushed past her to make his way out of Woodys bedroom.

"You fucked up Denver!" She finally let words out of her mouth for him to hear. He stopped walking and froze in his spot as his back had faced us and then he exhaled deeply before turning around to see her with the most vulnerable eyes I had ever seen on his face.

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