Chapter One.

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Woody's Point Of View

I sat in this parked car for a solid fifteen minutes now, the ticking sound of my watch causing me more frustration.

It was fucking cold tonight I could barely feel my fingers, my breathing fogged up the windows in my 2.6 million dollar Bugatti Chiron, my hand dripping blood all over myself and my damn interior, but I didn't give a fuck, that cunt got what he motherfucking deserved.

And her?

Fuck her.

I clenched my jaw. My heart still racing as if it was on fire, I could barely feel the sting of the cuts and bruises my hand had endured.

How the fuck could she do that!?

I closed my eyes but all I could see was her naked tanned body on our bed, her back on our white covers, her blonde wavy hair, her bare tits,

and him.

Him touching her, him touching what was mine, my girlfriend.

I felt the rage build in my body as I began to exhale through my nose, just seeing that fucked up image in my head, had made me want to just drive this motherfucking car to its limit, off a cliff, off this fucking bridge above the lake in front of me.

I fucking hate her!

I snapped as I climbed out of my car, almost kicking off the door in rage. I just fucking had to get out!

I slammed the door shut as my reflection in the window jumped to stare up at me.

Sharp features, angry hazel eyes, a clenched jaw and blood spots on my face from my hand.

I felt a vibration in my jeans pocket but I continued to stare at myself for a moment longer, as if I was waiting for the anger to wash from my eyes.

I answered,

"Who the fuck is this?" I said without looking at the screen.

"Your best man!?" I heard Denver's voice "What the fuck has gotten into you, answering the phone like an angry motherfucker?" He was confused "She say no?" He asked.

"I didn't get a chance to ask her." I said my voice calm but my heart couldn't be tamed. I turned to face the water as I dug my free hand into my pocket to squeeze that fucking box as if squeezing it would make the feeling of betrayal vanish.

"What happened?"

"She's fucking Clint!" I said in my thick deep voice.

"What!?" He was furious "Say no more, I'm about to drive down and kill him myself!" I could hear him opening doors and Kelly in the background. "Denver, where are you going?"

"Kelly where's my car keys!?"


"Woody needs me! Some shit about Clint and Maggie. I need to go." I heard him and his girl converse.

"Den, man...listen to me, fuck that I already fucked him up he's in hospital, some coma shit. But fuck Maggie and fuck Clint."

"You ayt man, you sound way too calm right now?"

"No, I'm fucked up. I walked in on them fucking in my bed." I said letting out some air "All I saw was red. I fucking rip him off her and just started punching him, it's like I couldn't stop, blood was everywhere and I just wanted to kill him and then she fucking jumped in the middle screaming at me, trying to stop me from hurting him and that's when I just stared into her eyes and thought fuck it." I sighed "I walked out, she locked our bedroom door with him and her inside, she called the police, the ambulance and whoever the fuck else and then I fucking trashed the whole motherfucking house with my dads baseball bat, the one in the glass case. I fucking smashed that shit open, grabbed the bat and just went insane. I got into my car when I hear sirens and drove off."

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