CHAPTER 5: Stages

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"Stage one???" I looked at her, confused and absolutely frustrated.

"The fuck does that mean?!"

Nine sighed, hesitant for a moment to tell me what she knew. Then she said:

"When CLIC was first being developed, it was designed in such a way that each mental obstacle; whether it be from trauma, demons, or insecurities, were portrayed through various stages of severity. The purpose of the entire project was to slowly but surely mentally complete and heal the brain of a traumatised  student."

My eyes widened when I heard that. "You mean..."

Nine nodded, her yellow eyes staring into my crimson ones.

"Your teachers may have told you that the selection was entirely random, but it was actually based on the level of mental instability."

A pit of anger erupted within my stomach. What the fuck did that mean? I was perfectly fine. There was nothing wrong with me. Before I could angrily punch something (you know, even though we were in a white, empty void) Nine continued speaking.

"Unfortunately, the program was built for daily check-ins for each stage. The simulation was not meant to be nearly as strenuous as it is now, and you weren't even meant to feel real pain. The program was meant to last for four days, one day per stage."

Well shit.

"Of course you won't die for real, but don't worry; you'll definitely go mad."

"It seems like FACELESS somehow managed to ramp up the difficulty of the simulation to its max capacity alongside trapping you all inside. I'd say their quirk is related to minds. See, the only way to actually leave the simulation is through a willing mind. If the student wants to spend more time in there, then there's no way to get them out. FACELESS must've used that mechanic to their advantage." It was then that Nine laughed lightly, trying to subside the tension. "But don't worry, there are only three more stages left. If that first one was any indication, this will be super easy!"

"Didn't you say that the stages were just going to get harder and harder?"

Her smile slightly faltered.

"Yeah, but I'm here to help you out!"

"I don't think that will work out either."

Now her smile was completely gone. I took that as a sign to continue speaking:

"I don't know if you noticed, but the first stage only concluded when I threw a blast that destroyed the Nomu. By that logic, it seems like your attacks won't account. I've gotta do it my-fucking-self. Some AI you are if you couldn't even tell that."

Her face turned red with embarrassment, matching her hair.

"I knew that! I just- well- wanted to cheer you up."

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. So? Are we doing the second stage or what?"

"Oh....about that...." She began.



"Sorry. But I'm going to have to sit this one out so I can recharge. I wasn't built to be by your side every step of the way. If it makes you feel any better, all your injuries will be healed by the time the second stage starts. Meanwhile, I'm just going to chill here in the void." Out of nowhere a bean bag and a packet of Pocky appeared, and Nine sat there beginning to eat.
"Plus you can stay here as long as you want until you're ready. Though if you're planning on kicking FACELESS' butt, I'd recommend you start by now."

"How do I start anyway?" I grumbled begrudgingly.

She grinned. " Just say 'I'm ready'. It's really quite that simple. Anyways, bye!"


She looked at me, taken aback. "Yes?"

"I just wanted to you know how the others are doing?"

She nodded. "Don't worry Katsuki. They're all okay." She smiled. "Kirishima is doing just fine."

I sighed with relief. That was all I needed to hear. Then my face went red with frustration and embarrassment at what she had said.


She laughed. "I told you. I know everything about you. So you can't hide anything from me."

I sighed.

"Well, you better not tell anyone that I was, okay? This situation is just pretty messed up for all of us."

She nodded. "Don't worry. I'm not planning on it. Anyway...."

She smiled determinedly. "Good luck, Katsuki Bakugo. If you're close to death, I'll try my best to show up, but unfortunately for the most part you're on your own."

I turned away and faced a blank void, staring at the endless colourless atmosphere around me. I clenched my fists, ready. This asshat was gonna pay.

"I'm ready."

Everything became black as a voice told me that stage two had begun.

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