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Jessica is such a genuinely good person, honestly I know we just met but I really like her.

I walked her to her door and hugged her goodbye.

Then she asked me to sleep over. Obviously I said yes.

She unlocked her door, and threw her keys in to the box beside the door.

I looked around her house. It was like an apartment, not like the Grier's large house but it was small, and cute.

"So this is your humble home"i said with a smile.

"Yep" she said.

"It's cute" I said to her

"Thanks" she replied

"So I'm thinking, we order pizza and watch a movie?" She said to me

"Sounds good" I said

"Oh shit.." She trailed off

"What's wrong?" I asked her

"I will be right back!" she said and she ran up the stairs.

I was wearing a dress top, and dress pants. Not the most comfy clothes.

Then Jess walked in.

"I totally forgot that you didn't have any clothes!" She said and she handed me a pair of sweats and a plain grey t-shirt.

It's like she read my mind.

"Why do you have these" I said with a laugh.

"Oh they are Nash's, him and Hayes slept over a while ago and he left them here so...."

I thanked her and went to the bathroom to get changed.


While Shawn was changing, I went upstairs to my room to get my pyjamas on.

I slipped on a pair of grey PINK sweatpants, and my black loose tank. I pulled my hair up in to a messy bun and I took out my contacts to put on my glasses.

I went in to my drawers runaround around to find my make-up wipes and I took my mascara off.

I walked to the edge of the top steps and called down to Shawn.

"Shawn!" I yelled down

"Yes" he called back to me walking to the steps where I was.

We both started laughing. "Come on let's go watch a movie" I said and I walked to my room followed by Shawn as he reached the top of the steps.

We sat on my bed.

I pulled out my laptop, and started scrolling through Netflix.

"Okay if you see something you like then just tell me" I said.

"Omg JTMD" Shawn said in a girly voice.

People really say omg out loud?

"What the heck is jtmd?" I said with a giggle.

"You haven't watched John Tucker Must Die?" he said stunned.

"Nope.." I said with another giggle.

"Done. You need a jtmd intervention.." He said and he grabbed my computer and clicked on the movie.

We watched the movie, laughed with the movie, and I almost cried during the movie. Mixed emotions..

After we watched the movie I went down to the kitchen because I was really feelin chocolate milk, leaving Shawn on his phone in my room.

I grabbed a glass, and poured myself a bit. I drank it quick. I put my glass in the sink when I was finished.

I opened the fridge door to put the milk back.

As I shut the door, I felt a pair of hands on my waist.

I turn around to Shawn. We looked in each other's eyes and smiled.

His touch made goosebumps fill my whole body.

Eventually, he cupped my face with his hands.

Is he going to kiss me? Is all I could think of.

We both leaned in for a kiss. I felt crazy sparks.. When I say crazy I mean LIKE CRAZY.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

It just felt right, the whole situation. Shawn being there with me, the kiss, it just made me feel all warm inside like a little girl about to meet Justin Bieber or something.

It was different than with Cameron. Cameron's was a spur of the moment, this was real.

I pulled away. "Shawn, why me. I'm not pretty, I'm not a toothpick.." I trailed off.

"No. See you don't get it. That's why I like you. You think your unattractive, when I think you are beautiful even when you don't try. You are perfect in my eyes, you just can't see that yourself." he said pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I like you too" I said with a smile.

"Well that's great." He said pecking me on the lips and running away back to my room.

"Shawn!" I yelled and I chased after him.

When he reached my room he jumped in my bed and go on his knees with a pillow in his hand.

"Oh I see how it is." I said and jumped on the bed and tackled Shawn as he tried whacking me with the pillow.

Eventually he pinned me down.

"Gotcha now" he said and he kissed me.

"I can get used to this" he said

"Same" I said with a smile.

"How did this happen?" I said

"I don't even know.." He said

"Wait but can you get off me now, your hurting my tummy" I whined

"Oh sorry" he said laughing.

"Okay I'm going bed" I said handing Shawn a pillow, and a blanket of the end of my bed.

He looked at me with a weird look.

"Oh" is all he said and he took the pillow and blanket and places them on the floor.

"Shawn. I'm kidding!" I laughed.

"Good, because I'm not sleeping in the floor" he said while taking off his shirt.

"Wow buddy whatcha doin.." I said to him while getting in the covers

"It's not like you've never seen me shirtless, calm your face" he said and he got in the covers beside me.

"Hey I'm not complaining.." I trailed off and then burst out laughing.

"So does this mean we're like.. You know.. " he replied after

"What?" I asked completely oblivious of the obvious topic he was leading on.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me looking directly in to my eyes as we laid beside each other gazing in to each others eyes.

"Yes" I said and I gave him a kiss. The rest of the night we just talked and cuddled with our legs tangled. I'm really glad that this day happened.



I hope you guys like it so far!

OMG what's gonna happen with cam! Who do you ship?

Jess and Cam or Jess and Shawn?

Jam? Or Jawn?

Comment below! Next chapter should be up soon!

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