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IF you were to ask me what the riskiest or dodgiest thing about Lex London is, I would, without a moment's hesitation, say that his charm is by far his most dangerous trait. His humour, his quick-wittedness, and overall likeability — things that make it all too easy for people to sympathize with him.

That's why the BRSS goes to great lengths to keep the media away from Lex. One interview, just a handful of sentences, would be all it took for the public to see him as a martyr.

Lex London is almost impossible to hate — and that's coming from the guy that kept a lifelong grudge against the cutest puppy to ever roam the Earth. Not me, no, I mean George. Let's just say there's a reason Rory is nicknamed Cat Claws. Anyway, all this to say that Lex is a little too good at making friends.

That's the reason Lex London needs to stay an enigma to the public. A dangerous enigma. Because if people start siding with him, well, it would end badly. The BRSS hasn't had civilian casualties on their hands for over two decades — a streak we all want to maintain.

I see your skeptical looks. Trust me, I do. And just from that, I can tell you've spent time with Lex already. Tell me, what was it that captured your hearts — his hopeless situation? The fact that he's still single? His references? His epic skill set? His sarcasm? Or maybe his coffee-addiction?

You know, I've got all of those things too. I can reference pop-culture — you did not see that coming? — and I have a situation even more hopeless than Lex.

You see, I'm the poor idiot in charge of getting people to find him.

Yeah, I know, easy-peasy right? (That's sarcasm — another item off the list.) Oh well, at least it's a pretty awesome job, and I get some other missions from time to time. Plus I get to spend time with Gold&Silver, which is always fun. (Wow, this sarcasm thing is pretty easy.)

Who am I? Pffft, I'm surprised you haven't guessed yet. I'm only the most awesome person in all of the BRSS. Wait, I left my coffee in the cafeteria. Give me a second.

(Coffee addiction, done. See, what does Lex have that I don't?)

I'm back. Where were we? Oh right, you wanted to know who I was. Okay, have you ever heard mysterious tales regarding the Recruitment Manager of the BRSS?

No? What rock have you been hiding under? Come on, you must've heard about the time I saved all of Ireland from a horrible fate by knocking out a mafia boss barehandedly?

No? Seriously?

Fine, fine, I'll just tell you who I am.

My name is Francis Blanc White, and I'm here to tell you the other side of the story.

Keysmith [NOT FANFICTION] ✓completedWhere stories live. Discover now