Strange Incounters

Start from the beginning

He then picked out some black jeans to go with and some black and green Jordans to finish it off. 

Eren then headed to the bathroom to get freshened up.

He got out of the shower and got dressed. Afterwards, he  headed down the stairs and back to see the cat was gone. 

'Wonder were it could be?' He thought.

 He scratched his head unaware of the mini tiger walking up behind him and rubbing against his legs. Eren turned around and crouched down to the cats level to pet it on its head.

"You really are sneaky." He smiled at the cat while it purred back. It reminded him of someone almost, someone that always seemed to surprise him. He just couldn't put his finger on it at the moment.

"What should I call you?"

"How about bean?" The cat shook it's head like saying 'no'.



Okay, this was getting hard. This cat didn't like any name he gave it. There has got to be one.

"How about titan?" The cat looked up at him.  It looked a bit pleased at the name, but not all the way.

"Okay, maybe hmm..." he thought. This cat was the hardest thing to name.

"I got it! Rivaille, I'll call you Rivaille ." The cat looked even more pleased and just nooded, indicating a 'yes.' 

That name, it made him feel fuzzy all over. Like the feeling he gets when Levi visits. He just didn't know why.

~the Tim skip (you mean time?) No Tim.
What are you, dumn!~

Eren sat on the couch watching 'The Big Bang Theory." It was quite hilarious to watch in his opinion. He glanced at the clock on the wall. 

7:25 p.m

"Oh shit!" He said before turning off the TV and ran up the stairs. He quickly did some last minute stuff like brushing is teeth, checking his hair, etc before he heard the door bell ring.

"Coming! " he yelled as he walked down the steps and to the door. He unlocked it and opened it to find Levi standing there.

"Come on brat, we gotta get going." Levi looked almost stunning. 

He wore a shirt that had a button up vest attached to it that was a reddish black color. Some black skinny jeans and black boots that made him look bad ass. (As always)

It looked perfect in Eren's eyes.

"Are you gonna keep starring or are you going to come on so we can go." Levi said while looking at him.

Eren blushed. 

"Y-yes sorry."

 He walked back into the kitchen leaving Levi with  the door wide open. He grabbed his phone and keys to the house and went back to the door way to see Levi petting the cat.

"Who's he?"

The cat looked comfortable being pampered and pet with such delicate hands.

Eren walked up to them both.

"He just appeared so I kinda just took him in my care you could say. His name is Rivaille."

 He picked the cat up and walked into the living, putting him on the couch. He came back and watched Levi wipe his hand on his jeans.

"He better not have any diseases or I'm blaming you for my absences." Eren shook his head

"I checked him. From what I can tell, he seems healthy and clean."

Levi  looked at him and then turned to go outside.

"Come on, let's go before we're late."

Eren nodded, closing the door and locking it before following Levi to his car.

MUHAHAHAHA I'm back!!!


I've made this for the Halloween month dedicated to you

*gives a weird face and points in all directions*

The next chapter will be all about the party and maybe, if ya want, some action heh heh heh..........

Do please vote
And comment if you want some smutaru or not
(•○•)/ I fare you good day!
(Did I do that right? Aw well who cares)

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