The King

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With one hand you held onto the saddle while the other ran over the smooth scales of your best friend. The pair of you were flying around a mountain peak, dark clouds rolled above you. Under you, your friend let out a grumble and tilted his head towards you, then to the ground below.

"What do you see bud?" You asked as you leaned forward, yelling slightly due to the wind.

Peaking down, you caught sight of a battle and frowned before grinning.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

The dragon below you hummed and flapped his wings as he begun to arch himself down. You flipped your mask down and placed both hands firmly on the saddles handles.

"Let's go, Toothless! Gandalf said something about finding the heirs of Durin in that tower over there."

Silently the pair of you flew over the battle field, heading towards a tall tower. You could make out figures standing on the top, an ugly one held a much smaller blond male with a sword to his throat.

"He looks like one of the men Gandalf described!" Patting toothless You smirked, "let's go!"

Toothless brought his wings in and dived straight down, a loud whistling made everyone look up, and once you were close enough you jumped of your friend, toothless disappeared behind the tower just as the orc pushed the blond and turned his attention to you as you hit the floor rolling.

"Get her!" He barked.

Orcs came running at you but you were to quick, you smaller frame ducking under them and slashing their legs and arms with your sword before sending the final blow. In your distraction however, the leader got away.

"Put me down you damned beast!!" You heard a male shout.

Heavy boots pounded up the stairs towards you and a dark haired man appeared, he seemed to be not much smaller than you. He was searching frantically and froze when toothless climbed up with the blond dwarf clutched in his between his teeth. He made a happy a noise as he spotted you.

"You caught him!" You cheered, "Put him down gently."

Toothless did as you asked and gently placed the dwarf down on his feet before dropping down onto his legs and walking over to you, nudging your side. His green eyes bore into yours before he walked around for you to climb on, which is what you did.

"Lets go bud." You whispered.

Before the two princes could say anything you shot into the sky and disappeared.
You were circling the tower when you spotted the king under the mountain on his back, sword blocking another orcs. You gave Toothless a command and two swooped down. Just as the king dropped his sword, the orc was shot off him by a purple blast and then picked up by a large black, scaly foot. He was too shocked to say anything.

"Over there!" You shouted.

You spotted the dark haired prince in the arms of an orc as a red haired woman laid near the drop off point with horror on her face, blood gushing from a cut on her temple. Gently toothless placed the king down by his blonde nephew on the stairs as you jumped of his back and turned to your companion. Hand on his snout you smiled. The orc was too busy with the red head and the dwarf that he hadn't noticed your presence some how.

"When I say, grab the orc, throw him down the tower and I'll get the dwarf."

Toothless grumbled and got into position as you crept closer. A little bit more and...

"NOW!" You yelled.

The orc spun around, his shoulder were roughly grabbed and before the dwarf his the floor you stopped his impact falling down with him.

"KILI!" Three voices yelled.

The elleth fell down on her knees beside Kili, her fiery hair blocking his face from the view of the king and his nephew, who had joined you on the plateau. Tears of relief tracked a path through the blood and grime on the elleth's cheeks, and then landed on the man she was leaned over.

Footsteps echoed through the narrow passageway in front of you. You were ready to pull your sword once again when you realised they were light as a feather, the only thing that caused them being the metal which they were seemingly protected by.

It caught the attention of everyone who surrounded the injured dwarf not much later, and all eyes were on the figure appearing in the opening of the cave system.

The crown on his head gave away his status as someone important. His silver hair that framed his face was more like the colour of the white flowers of mourning than like moonlight. Little did you know at the time that that was exactly how you were going to remember this moment in the future, and that you would be thinking about it more times than you cared to admit.

His armour, slightly splattered with black blood, was too silver to be called gunmetal, but did not compare to his hair by any means.
Your eyes trailed up from his armour to his face, expecting to find the cold eyes of a King in battle, but what you saw surprised you.

"Aran nin.." The elleth rose to her feet and bowed before her King.
"You really love him?" The King asked.
"I.. I do."

He nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer, and turned to you. The kindness that had been in his eyes was replaced by a questioning expression, to your disdain it made you feel small. The other king also stood up and limped over. He placed a hand on your shoulder and searched your (E/C) eyes.

"You saved him..." he breathed, "you saved us all. I am forever grateful to you. I am king Thorin, those are my nephews Fili and Kili. As repayment for what you have done, you shall forever be welcome in the halls of Erebor. You and your friend."

Flicking your mask up, you smiled lightly at him. Bowed and then stood back up.

"I'm just doing a friend a favour. Gandalf called for us."
"He did?"
"Yup, he knew I was coming around the mountain anyhow."

Thorin nodded and turned to face the white haired king. He gazed back just as intently.

"Thranduil." Thorin sneered.
"Dwarf." Thranduil sneered back.

They stared and you stepped back awkwardly, smiling as a familiar shadow fell over you, but that smile was quickly gone when Thranduil pulled out his sword.

"Tauriel, arm yourself." He ordered.

The red head turned to him and back to you. Quickly you climbed up the stairs and in front of toothless the best you could and held your arms out wide.

"Don't hurt him! He's my friend!" You pleaded.
"Friend?!" Thranduil sneered, "that is a wild beast who will fall by my hand!"
"Go! We'll handle the elf!" Thorin yelled.

You quickly nodded and swung yourself onto toothless who quickly took off before anyone could stop you, and as fast as lightening you flew away, unsure of where you wanted to go next

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