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Sam scooped the premade spaghetti he'd heated in a pot, onto three plates. One for him, one for Dean and one for Bobby.

"You should take a break," Sam said to the older man, setting the paper plate on the book Bobby was looking at.

"Thanks," Bobby grumbled, setting the plate aside and going back to reading.

Sam decided not to argue and headed up the stairs with his and Dean's plates.

"You should eat something," Sam offered a plate to his brother.

"Chef Boyardee?" Dean asked, sniffing at the canned pasta.

"It's all Bobby had," Sam shrugged.

"I'm guessing no changes?" Sam glanced at their youngest brother.

"It's like he's in a coma, man. I don't know what to do to wake him up," Dean huffed before scooping up a mouthful of spaghetti.

"Bobby's still looking, but there's just no info on angel grace," Sam shrugged.

"I know this sounds crazy, but we did Crowley a favor by taking out the devil. Maybe...maybe he'll help Stiles," Dean's tone didn't sound convinced, but he was out of ideas.

"Why would he do that? Out of the goodness of his heart?" Sam scoffed.

"It's worth a shot, right?" Dean spooned in another bite.

"You're gonna try and make a deal, aren't you?" Sam narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"No, I'm just coming up with options," Dean responded defensively.

"Fine, we can talk to him," Sam agreed setting his plate aside.


"Yes, we. I'm not letting you meet up with a crossroads demon alone, Dean."

"Fine, but I say we leave Bobby out of this."

"That's probably for the best," Sam agreed.

"What's for the best?" Cas asked then, from the doorway. He looked better than he had, but still a bit worn down.

"Cas," Dean put his plate on Stiles' side table and stood to greet the angel.

"Hello, Dean," Cas gave a tired smile.

"How do you feel?" Dean stepped in, his hand coming up to touch the angel's cheek.

"Better. I'm still not at full capacity but I would like to help," Cas gestured towards Stiles.

"How?" Sam asked eagerly.

"I unfortunately cannot heal him, but I can tell you if he's dying or healing," Cas stepped into the room more. Dean's hand fell from Cas' face.

Sam and Dean both watched with bated breaths as Cas placed a hand on Stiles' chest.

A frown crossed the angel's face sending panic through the brothers.

"What is it?" Dean dared ask.

"He's neither healing nor dying. Derek's healing isn't enough, but the grace isn't either."

"What does that mean?"

"He's in limbo."

"How do we get him out?" Sam asked, his tone wavering with worry.

"I'm afraid I don't know."

Dean's jaw clenched. That was not the news he wanted to hear.

"I'm going to talk to Crowley," Dean turned on his heel and stalked down the stairs with a new determination.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now