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Sam's arms were crossed over his chest as he watched his brother's argue. Normally he would try an mediate but he was siding with Stiles on this one. Stiles and Dean didn't disagree often and they rarely fought like this. Things had been truly tense between them lately.

"I was getting information, he's helping us," Dean spoke up then.

"Helping? Do you hear yourself? The last time we got help from a demon it was Ruby, or did you forget how that turned out?" The jab wasn't directed at Sam but it still stung.

"That's why I was meeting with him and not Sam. Between Ruby and Derek, you two can't be trusted."

Stiles' fists clenched. "You are unbelievable. Derek isn't the enemy," he growled.

"He's a monster, Stiles," Dean snapped.

"Why because he's supernatural? So is Cas."

"Do not compare Cas to him," Dean's tone was warning Stiles he was about to overstep.

"Why? Derek might not have told us who exactly he was, but he's done nothing but help. He's saved my life. He dropped everything to hunt Gabriel with me, knowing we might find out. Doesn't that count for something?"

Dean ran a hand through his hair.

Sam knew that meant it was time to step in. Things were going to get out of hand with Cas being brought up. Dean was a bit unstable emotionally when it came to the angel.

"Okay, look. You're both right, okay? You don't trust me to talk to this Crowley and that's fine, but Stiles hasn't done anything to lose your trust and you should tell us when you meet him that way you can have back up. What if something went south? What if he's working for Lucifer? We have to be careful, Dean. Hell, take Derek with you next time if it makes you feel better. Just tell us, okay?"

Dean let out a sigh but nodded.

"And give Derek a chance, Stiles is right, he's done nothing but help, even still."

Dean shot Derek a glare but didn't say anything.

"Stiles, go easy on Dean, okay, we're all trying our best and we need to stick together, okay?" Sam turned to their youngest brother.

"Yeah, okay," Stiles nodded, though his glare didn't leave Dean.

"Now it's late, let's get some sleep, okay?" Sam sighed.

"I'm going to grab a slice of pie from the diner down the street, I'll be back," Dean snatched the keys off the table and stepped past Stiles and Derek.

He climbed into the Impala and cranked the engine.

"Hello, Dean," Cas said, suddenly beside the hunter.

"Shit, Cas," Dean took a sharp breath in.

"My apologies, I forgot to give a warning," Cas frowned.

"It's fine, what's up, buddy?" Dean asked. It was actually a pleasant surprise. Dean could use the pick me up after the fight with Stiles.

"I have successfully located the blade," Cas pulled open his coat to reveal a silver blade with a twisted handle.

"The archangel blade?" Dean raised a brow.

"Yes, it took some time," Cas nodded.

"That's great, man, thank you," Dean felt slightly better now that they had a way to kill Lucifer and also a location on where to find the bastard.

"Is something wrong? You seem upset," Cas noted the way Dean's hand gripped the steering wheel.

"I was going to grab a bite, I can tell you over a slice of pie," Dean offered, a hopeful lilt in his tone.

"I've never had pie," Cas frowned. "I've never eaten anything actually."

"Well allow me to introduce you to it," Dean smiled proudly at the prospect. This is exactly what he needed to cheer him up.


The diner was mostly dead at the late hour. Other than Cas and Dean there was one other customer; an older gentleman who was reading silently on the other side of the restaurant.

"I do believe Stiles is just upset because you want Derek dead," Cas said thoughtfully. Dean had just caught him up on the argument they'd had.

"I guess, I just never fight with Stiles like this. It's usually Sam I'm at odds with all the time. I don't like it."

Just then the waitress brought two small plates of pie. One cherry and one apple.

"Alright, man, you gotta try this," Dean took a fork, scooping a bite of the apple pie onto it before holding it out to Cas.

The angel allowed Dean to feed him.

Dean waited anxiously for Cas' reaction.

"It tasted like molecules at first but if I concentrate on it I can taste the sweetness. It's rather nice," Cas smiled a bit.

"Now try this one," Dean scooped a bite of the cherry pie next.

Once again Cas ate off of Dean's fork.

"I like that one better," Cas nodded eagerly.

Dean gave a large grin. Before taking a bite himself.

"Thank you, Dean, for being so nice to me. Spending time with you...it makes me happy," Cas picked up the second fork and went for the cherry pie.

Dean's hand gripped his fork harder. He was getting in over his head. Cas really made him feel a certain way.

"Are you alright?" Cas noted the stillness of Dean then.

"Yeah, I'm great," Dean smiled at the angel with a sad look.

Cas watched Dean with a frown. Something felt different. He'd been trying to decipher these new emotions he was feeling and while he had most of them figured out there was one he hadn't quite managed yet. Something about Dean. He missed the hunter when they were apart. He longed to reach out and touch Dean. He yearned to feel his soul, bright and raw, but that was dangerous and inappropriate while Dean was back in his body. The memory of pulling Dean from hell was a fond one that Cas thought of often.

"And for the record, I like spending time with you too," Dean spoke, not looking up from the apple pie in front of him.

Cas reached across the table and grabbed the hunter's hand.

This caused Dean to look up with wide eyes.

"We should do this more often. I think I might like to try new foods with you."

Dean opened his mouth to respond but nothing would come out. Instead to sat gaping at the angel.

Cas released his hand and went back to eating his pie.

Dean's heart was racing in his chest. If only Cas meant that in the way Dean wanted him to.

"I'd like that," Dean nodded his voice quieter than he'd intended.

"Here you are darlin'. Also can I just say how cute you two are. It's so nice to see such a sweet young couple in here," The waitress set the check on the table and smiled at them.

"Thank you," Cas smiled back.

Dean only blinked at him. "Uh Cas," He said once the waitress had walked off. "You realize she thought we were together, right?"

"We are together, Dean," Cas frowned.

"No, I mean like romantically," Dean clarified.

"Oh," Cas nodded in understanding, yet he still seemed unfazed.

"You don't seem bothered by that."

"Why would I?" Cas shrugged.

"No reason," Dean shook his head. He really needed to reign it in. He was just going to end up getting hurt. 

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now