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When Stiles woke to find Derek missing from their hotel room, an anger began to rise in his chest. Had Derek ditched him? They had agreed not to split up until their spell was broken. He reached for his phone to call the hunter when the door opened.

Derek walked in with a bag of what smelled like breakfast.

Stiles climbed out of bed to find Derek had stopped at a local diner and brought back a plate of pancakes for him.

"You got breakfast?" Stiles knew it was a stupid question. The answer was obvious and staring him in the face.

"I figured you wouldn't mind," Derek eyed Stiles carefully, like he wasn't sure how he would react.

"Thank you," Stiles gave a small smile. He'd vowed to treat Derek like they'd just met.

Derek only nodded, returning the smile. Relief dropped from the werewolf's shoulders. He'd clearly been expecting a negative reaction. Perhaps a lecture on leaving without telling Stiles, but it never came.

"So the lead is in Riverton Wyoming," Stiles spoke around a bite of pancakes as he read from his laptop, "I figure we should probably get a hotel just outside so as to not scare him off, just in case he can sense me coming. If this really is him, then we'll have to pretend we don't know who he really is. I think we should refer to him as the trickster instead of Gabriel. Feign ignorance, ya know?"

Derek raised his brows. Stiles had stopped debriefing him on their plans after he found out Derek was a werewolf.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea," Derek nodded. He couldn't help but feel hopeful at Stiles mood towards him today. Perhaps Sam was right and he just needed to prove to Stiles he could be trusted.

"If this is him," Stiles bit down on his lower lip, "That means we have to go to Bobby's," Stiles glanced up from his computer, his eyes watching Derek for a response.

"Your brothers will want you back with them," Derek nodded, trying his best to keep any reaction off his face. He didn't look up from his own breakfast.

"They'll want you there too, until this is broken," Stiles gestured between them.

"I figured as much," Derek gave a half smile, his eyes glancing up to meet Stiles' briefly.

"Shouldn't you be a little more concerned?" Stiles snapped.

Derek winced slightly at the familiarity of his tone.

"There's nothing I can do to change it," Derek gave a small shrug.

"We could not tell them," Stiles suggested then, causing Derek to pause mid bite.

"Why would you keep that from them?" Derek frowned, setting his fork down. His full attention was now on Stiles.

"Dean won't hesitate to kill you and I don't think Sam and I could convince him not to," Stiles wore a concerned expression as he spoke.

"You've changed your mind on wanting me dead then?" Derek asked with a hopeful tone.

"Cas thinks I can trust you. He says my grace may not be as reliable, but his is," Stiles explained, his eyes dropping to his computer as if he were ashamed to admit his doubts.

"You trust him," It wasn't posed as a question.

"I do," Stiles answered anyway, "But more importantly, Dean does."

Derek nodded.

"We could just keep it from them until the spell is broken and then..." Stiles trailed off, his eyes still glued to his keyboard.

"We part ways?" Derek asked. He tried to hide the hurt in his tone.

Stiles' eyes met Derek's.

Derek could smell the faint sadness on the other hunter.

"It's best that we do."

"Is that what you want?" Derek desperately wanted Stiles to say no.

"I want to keep you alive. Dean won't let that happen if you're still around," Stiles answered skirting the question directly.

"That's not what I asked," Derek's eyes stared into Stiles'.

"Yes," Stiles answered simply forgetting Derek could hear his heartbeat.

The sputter of Stiles' heart sent a wave of relief over Derek, but he only nodded. He didn't need to remind Stiles he could tell when he was lying.

"I expected more of a reaction," Stiles frowned. Derek had accepted that way too easily. It almost stung.

"If that's what you truly want, then that's what you should get," Derek dropped his eyes back to his breakfast.

"You realize even if I wanted you to stay, that's not an option, right?" Stiles pointed out.

"I'm aware," Derek nodded. He wondered if what Sam said about Cas having an effect on Dean was true. Would the angel really be able to change Dean's mind?"

"I'd rather have you alive," Stiles' tone was growing more hostile.

"It's a nice change to your previously wanting to murder me yourself," Derek gave a small smile.

"How can you be so calm about this?" Stiles snapped. He didn't know why he wanted Derek to fight more, but he did.

"What other choice do I have?" Asked raising his brows at the human.

"Fight. Get angry. Challenge my brother. Something," Stiles threw his hands up in frustration.

"I will always fight for you, Stiles. Getting angry won't accomplish anything, besides, I'm not angry. Sad, yes, but not angry. And I'm not going to challenge your brother. Dean is only trying to protect you," Derek shook his head. His tone remained calm.

"Then why aren't you fighting for me?" Stiles realized then why he was upset. He wanted Derek to fight for him. He wanted to feel worthy of being fought for.

"Who says I'm not?" Derek asked looking at Stiles seriously.

Stiles only frowned.

Derek gave a sad smile before standing. He collected their empty plates "Fighting doesn't always have to be violent. Sometimes war is ended by peace."

Finally an update! Sorry it took so long. For those who don't know I was very very sick, like hospitalized sick. But I'm better now. Thank you to all who sent sweet messages. It really meant a lot! And thank you for your patience!!

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