About Ready

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Dean was loading his duffle bag with the necessary stuff needed for the battle. Holy water, his exorcism spell, extra bullets with the devil's trap engraved in the top, the fake colt and a change of clothes. He liked to be prepared.

"Dean," Cas' voice spoke from the doorway.

"Hey, Cas," Dean glanced over his shoulder.

"Here, I acquired these," The angel held up a silver looking stake. It looked similar to the archangel blade.

"What is this?" Dean frowned, taking the weapon.

"It's an angel blade. Each angel is given one. I managed to get a few off some angels during my trip to Carthage. I have mine and I got one for Bobby. This one is for you. They can kill a demon. Sam has the knife he got from Ruby, and Stiles will be able to smite them if need be, so long as he has Gabriel's grace is in him. I was only able to get the two, I'm sorry."

"Wow, thank you, this is a huge help," Dean smiled at Cas fondly.

"How are you holding up?" Cas asked then glancing at the bag on Dean's bed.

"I'm fine," Dean answered as he packed the angel blade into his duffle.

Cas frowned at Dean's dismissive answer.

"Listen, man, thank you, for everything you've done. It means a lot," Dean turned to face the angel once again.

"Of course, Dean," Cas reached out to touch Dean's arm but hesitated.

The hunter stepped forward, letting Cas know it was okay. That he wanted Cas to touch him.

Cas' hand gripped gently at Dean's forearm.

"Hey, Cas," Dean's eyes met the angel's electric blue ones. "What is this, between us? I mean...can this happen?" Dean gestured to the few feet separating them.

"Isn't it already?" Cas asked with a tilt of his head.

Dean bit down on his bottom lip.

"I don't fully understand the concept of what you humans call dating, but I would very much like to date you, Dean," Cas took a half step forward.

Dean's breath caught, making all words disappear from his mouth. Instead he nodded in eager agreement.

Cas leaned forward, "I'm gonna kiss you again, if that's okay," Cas' eyes dropped to Dean's lip.

"You don't have to ask, Cas," Dean breathed out.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"Just shut up and kiss me," Dean growled.

Cas's eyes darkened slightly before wrapping his arm around Dean's waist and pulling him in close.

This kiss was different than the last few they'd shared. It was hard and eager, like all resolve had diminished. Dean gripped Cas' trench coat harshly Keeping him close. Not that Cas was going anywhere the way his arms were wound around the hunter.

Dean's mouth parted, allowing the kiss to deepen. Cas let Dean control the kiss, his tongue tangling with Dean's.

"Hey, Dean-" Sam's voice cut off at the sight of his brother and Cas trapped in a heated kiss.

"S-Sam," Dean panted, separating from Cas, but only slightly.

"Sorry," Sam held back a smirk.

"Wh-what's up?" Dean's cheeks were aflame with embarrassment. He didn't know why. His brothers had caught him with women all the time. Maybe because this wasn't a woman. It was Cas.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now