More than likely

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It wasn't like Dean was surprised Stiles was offering to sacrifice himself. He was a Winchester after all. John had sacrificed himself for Dean. Dean had sacrificed himself for Sam. But Dean was the oldest and letting his baby brother sacrifice himself just didn't sit right with him. It was his and Sam's fault the apocalypse was here. Dean had broken the first seal. Sam had released lucifer. Why should Stiles be the one to fix it?

"Dean," Stiles poked his head around the corner of the living room where Dean was.

The hunter turned to meet his brother's eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" Dean asked, a sadness in his tone he hadn't meant to show.

"It's the only way," Stiles' tone was apologetic. He knew Dean put him and Sam above everything and everyone else and he hadn't been expecting Dean to be thrilled with the plan, but that was before there was a risk of him dying. Now, even with Derek's healing abilities, he didn't expect Dean to even consider it. But he had to try.

"You're the good one, man. Sam's the one who falls for the monsters. I'm the one who sacrifices myself for the greater good. What happened to you?" Dean huffed, throwing a hand up.

"I didn't fall for the monster," Stiles frowned. How could Dean possibly have known?

"Oh come on, I saw that exchange between you and Derek. You've forgiven him," Dean gestured towards the doorway.

Stiles clenched his jaw. "Is that really what you want to talk about right now?" Stiles knew Dean was just trying to pick a fight to avoid talking about Stiles' plan.

Dean dropped his head. "I don't want to lose you."

"Dean, we don't know that it'll kill me and even if it tries to, Derek's healing will more than likely save me."

"More than likely," Dean snapped. That wasn't good enough.

"Dean, we ran a hunt where Derek was stabbed through the middle with a large lead pipe. I woke up in the hospital completely healed. I should have died. We both should have," Stiles threw his hands around dramatically.

Dean's eyes darkened and Stiles immediately regretted telling Dean about that.


It was too late, the oldest Winchester was already shoving past him.

Dean stalked into the study where Derek was still talking with Sam.

"You," Dean growled, grabbing Derek by his jacket and shoving him into the wall.

"You almost got my brother killed," Dean snapped, moving his arm to press against Derek's throat. Derek grabbed Dean's arm, ready to wrench it away from him but stopped when he saw Stiles shake his head quickly. He could get out of Dean's grip easily but it would hurt the hunter. Stiles knew that and it wouldn't benefit their plan to get Dean on board.

However, Dean was choking them, both of them.

"Dean, stop, they're still connected," Sam snapped, pulling his brother back.

Dean, realizing his mistake, released Derek.

Stiles and Derek both coughed, gasping for breath.

"Shit Stiles, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking," Dean's eyes were wide and apologetic.

"What the hell was that about?" Sam demanded, glancing between his two brothers.

"You know Stiles was in the hospital recently?" Dean glared at Derek but the question was directed at Sam.

"You missed the part of that story where Derek saved my life," Stiles barked. He was pissed.

"What happened?" Sam looked at Stiles.

"Shifters. They got the jump on us. Derek got us out though," Stiles waved a dismissive hand.

"You were supposed to look after him," Dean snapped at Derek.

"I know, I'm sorry," Derek dropped his eyes. It was clear he felt guilty for that incident.

"It's not his responsibility to keep me safe. I can take care of myself," Stiles stepped forward. He was tired of Dean treating him like a child.

"No, it's my responsibility to keep you safe and I wasn't there," Dean's voice raised slightly.

"You weren't there when you went to hell either," Stiles shouted back.

The room fell silent.

Dean recalled how upset Sam had said Stiles was.

"Is that what all this has been about? Getting back at me for leaving? Cause I'm sorry, Stiles," Dean's tone was quieter now and apologetic.

"I'm not trying to get you back for anything, Dean," Stiles huffed, throwing his hands up. "Yes I forgave Derek and yes I'm willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good. I was raised by you and Sam. I'm just living by example."

Dean pursed his lips, dropping his eyes to the stained wood flooring beneath his feet. "Okay," he nodded.

"What?" Stiles blinked at his oldest brother.

"Okay," Dean's eyes met Stiles'. "I'm never gonna like this, but we don't have any other options right now and ten percent isn't that high."

Dean's posture read of defeat. Stiles was right, he was only going by his brother's examples. He couldn't fault him for that. He could only do his best to make sure Stiles made it through this. Even if that meant putting up with Derek longer than he'd intended.

Dean turned to Derek, "If he dies, I-"

"So will I," Derek cut in.

Dean nodded. He wanted Derek dead, but not like that.

"Is there some way we can guarantee his survival? Something that makes you heal faster?" Dean was willing to do whatever necessary.

Derek only shook his head.

"Cas?" Dean turned hopeful eyes to the angel.

"I'm afraid my grace would be insufficient against Gabriel's," Cas shook his head.

Dean's jaw clenched. He had never been the praying type and even now that he knew heaven was real, he had only ever done it to reach Cas but he wanted something to reach out to. He needed the comfort prayer was supposed to bring.

Cas stepped forward, his hand finding Dean's cheek. "I feel your longing, Dean and I wish I could offer more."

Dean stared into the deep blue color of the angel's eyes. He would normally have flinched away from the touch, but it was Cas, and Dean just couldn't do that with Cas.

"I know you do," Dean gave a sad smile before stepping passed the angel.

"Helpless," Cas frowned after Dean.

"I know, Cas, we all feel that way," Sam put a hand on the angel's shoulder. He knew what it was like to wait in anticipation for the fate of your brother.

Dean wasn't.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now