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When Sam found Dean, he was sitting in his room on the edge of his bed, his head in his hands. The door was barely cracked. With a gentle tap he pushed the door open further.

Dean lifted his head to see his brother in the doorway. Sam noted the tired look in his eyes.

"You alright?" Sam asked, stepping into the room.

Dean squared his shoulders. "I'm fine."

Sam gave him a look that said he didn't believe him.

"Just ready for all this to be over," Dean gave a shrug hoping his brother would buy it.

"You were in such a good mood until you came in from talking to Cas. Was something said?" Sam sat on the edge of the bed next to Dean.

"Sam, don't," Dean spoke in a warning tone. He didn't need to discuss his feeling for Cas with Sam.

"Dean," Sam sighed. His brother was so emotionally constipated sometimes it drove him insane.

"I don't want to talk about it," Dean growled out, not looking at the younger Winchester.

"It's okay," Sam offered, hoping that would encourage Dean to talk about it.

It didn't.

"Come on, Sam," Dean groaned standing. His hand ran through his hair.

"It's clearly bothering you."

"Of course it's bothering me, he's..." Dean gestured to the door like that explained everything.

"A guy?" Sam asked cautiously.

"It's not even that, I mean he's...It's not right, man. He's not human and..." Dean scrubbed a hand over his face now. He hated that he felt this way. He shouldn't feel this way, but there was something about Cas.

"So this is because he's an angel?" Sam frowned. He hadn't imagined that would be Dean's hang up.

"Part of it yeah, I mean he's out there talking about how being here is making him start to feel things and..." Dean paused, turning to face his younger brother. "He knows me, man. Like really knows me. He knows the things I've done, the people I've hurt. The person I truly am inside and yet he still..." he dropped his head. He loved that Cas saw him different than everyone. He hated feeling so exposed, but it was nice to know that Cas still considered him worthy of his help, even knowing everything about Dean.

"Accepts you?" Sam finished.

"I don't deserve it."

"He thinks you do."

Dean's chest tightened. "You didn't hear him talking out there, Sammy. He's on the run from Heaven because of me. That was supposed to be his family. He's feeling things. Betrayal, sadness, anger...he doesn't deserve that. He could have changed sides. They gave him the option. They'd take him back no questions asked, all he had to do was turn me over. He wouldn't do it. He's more loyal than anyone in our lives. He believes in us, in me. Dad didn't even believe in us."

Sam remained silent. He'd never seen Dean care for someone like this, not for someone who wasn't family anyway.

"Just now, he sensed I was upset, and he was concerned for me. Heaven literally attempted to kill him a few days ago and yet he was worried about how I was feeling," Dean shook his head.

"Do you love him?" Sam asked then. His tone was quiet, like asking would break Dean.

Dean slid his fingers in his hair and grabbed, pulling on the cinnamon strands. He turned to Sam with tears in his eyes.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now