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Stiles laid back on the purple and brown patterned motel bed. He had been relieved to find that Sam had gotten them two separate rooms. He and Derek would share one while Sam and Dean shared the other. It made for a less awkward night and it gave Stiles and Derek time alone.

"So I know it's not my business but...I think it might be worth mentioning," Derek spoke timidly from the doorway. His bag still hooked over his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Stiles sat up, full attention on the other hunter.

"Dean was lying earlier."

Stiles frowned, "What? When?"

"When Sam asked if Dean had found the demon."

Stiles' shoulders tensed. Why would Dean lie about something like that? That was more of a Sam thing to do.

"I didn't want to say anything especially cause I expect that wouldn't earn me any favors with Dean, but I thought you might want to know," Derek looked nervous, like he expected Stiles to react harshly towards him.

"Yeah, no, that was a good call," Stiles nodded, a frown still embedded between his eyes.

"Any idea why he would lie about that?"

"No, not unless he did something he wasn't supposed to." A wave of anger washed over Stiles then. The last time Dean had snuck away to talk to a demon he'd made a deal to save Sam. What if he'd made a deal again, but this time to save Stiles?

Panic washed over Stiles then. He couldn't lose Dean again, he wouldn't.

"We need to talk to that demon," Stiles snapped, he grabbed his gun off his side table and tucked it into his back.

"What?" Derek looked at Stiles as if he'd lost his mind.

"If Dean made another deal, I have to know."

"Okay, let's slow down. We don't know that that's what Dean did." Derek held up a hand to stop Stiles from opening the door.

"Derek, you don't know Dean like I do. If he thinks for a second making a deal to keep me alive will work, I don't doubt he'd do it. I can't let that happen again. I won't," Stiles reached for the door again, but this time Derek let him open it.

"Fine, but I'm coming with you," Derek conceded. At least he could make sure Stiles was safe.

Stiles thankfully didn't argue, instead he gave Derek a warm smile. They silently slipped into the warm evening, careful not to alert the room next door of their leaving. Stiles didn't want his brothers to know they were going out, much less to find a demon.

Once the two were a safe ways down the road, Stiles slipped his hand into Derek's.

Derek gave a gentle squeeze. Derek wouldn't admit how touch starved he felt, having been around Stiles for the past few days and unable to reach out. He knew Stiles was equally as frustrated as he was which didn't help matters any.

"What are you going to do if he did make a deal?" Derek dared ask, disrupting the silence.

"I don't know," Stiles sighed. He knew making a deal over Dean's wouldn't benefit anyone and Derek wouldn't allow it anyway.

"Your death isn't definite. In fact, the chances are fairly slim with my healing. Would Dean really make a deal so prematurely? That seems reckless, even for him."

Stiles wanted to agree but he also knew how reckless Dean could be when he wasn't in his right mind.

The pair approached the crossroads and Stiles pulled out a small box from his bag.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now