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Dean riffled through his bag for a shirt. Sam wasn't back from his morning run yet, but he knew he didn't have long. He wanted to be gone before his brother returned. The less Sam knew about what he was doing, the better.

"I still think I should come with you," Castiel spoke from the doorway of Dean's room.

"I have to do this alone," Dean objected once again. Crowley had insisted he come alone, and he didn't want to risk pissing off anyone willing to help stuff Lucifer back in his cage.

"I find it suspect that a demon is willing to help. Why would a demon want Lucifer put back?" Castiel asked taking a step forward.

"He thinks Lucifer hates demons cause he's technically an angel. He thinks he's going to wipe the demons out first and wants to avoid it." Dean shrugged pulling out a shirt he was sure was Sam's.

"Why would Lucifer wipe out the demons, they were loyal to him." Cas pointed out, taking another step forward.

"I dunno, look I'm just gonna go and see what he has to say," Dean turned then to face the concerned angel.

"I don't like it, Dean," Cas spoke gruffly.

Dean was sure if Cas knew what pouting was, he'd be doing it right now.

"I know, I don't like it either, Cas but I need to do this alone. You stay here and make sure Sam and Bobby don't start asking questions. If we both took off, it'd be suspect, alright?" Dean knew it was a weak argument, but he was sure bringing an angel to a meeting with a demon might put a damper on an already bleak situation.

Castiel stepped forward closing the few feet that stood between him and the hunter. He reached out, gently placing a hand on Dean's bare shoulder where Cas' print had faded, almost invisible if you weren't looking for it.

"It's almost gone completely," Cas noted.

Dean's breath caught in his throat.

"If you find yourself in trouble..." Cas paused, his eyes sliding away from his hand on Dean's shoulder to the hunter's face. "All you need do is pray and I'll be there."

Dean swallowed thickly and nodded. He didn't know if he could trust his voice at the moment.

Cas pulled away slowly. "What should I tell Sam?"

"Tell him I got restless and took Baby out for a spin," Dean said, turning away from the angel as he pulled on his shirt. He grabbed his gear bag and the keys to the impala.

"Be careful, Dean," Cas called after the hunter as he hurried down the stairs quietly.

When Dean was finally on the road with AC/DC blaring in his ears he took a deep breath. Being around Cas was getting hard and after what Sam had said last night Dean knew he wasn't being subtle. He had tried to dismiss the feeling as a professional curiosity, but he knew what this feeling was. He couldn't imagine what his dad would say if he knew he was falling for not only a guy but an angel. However, technically Cas wasn't a guy, he could have just as easily taken a female vessel. The thought reminded Dean that Cas wasn't only Cas.

"Jimmy," Dean huffed leaning his head back as he stared out at the long stretch of road ahead of him. Dean started mentally listing reason's falling for Cas was a bag idea.

One, Jimmy. Two, Cas was an angel. Three, Cas barely understood human emotions, there's no way he'd ever feel the same. Four, his dad would murder him.

Dean knew that last one was just an excuse. His dad would never even know, being dead and all. Sam had been right, Bobby didn't care. Hell, Stiles was bi, and Bobby had been accepting of it; so had Sam.

That reminded Dean that Stiles had been with Derek. The thought made Dean's shoulders tense. Derek had lied to his little brother to get him in bed. Had they even slept together? Dean shook his head of the thought.

Dean's heart raced as he approached the old building Crowley had asked to meet at. He pulled up to what looked like had been an old bar at one point. It was vacant now with boarded up windows and rotting steps.

Dean stepped out of the car, scanning his surroundings. He was wary of this being a possible trap. His gun was tucked securely in his back. The demon blade in the inside pocket of his jacket. Holy water in a flask in his other pocket.

"Dean Winchester, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," A voice spoke as the door to the building opened. Out stepped someone that Dean had not expected. He wasn't sure what he thought Crowley would look like, but this wasn't it. The man was almost a foot shorter than Dean.

"Crowley I assume?" Dean asked gruffly his hand itched to be holding a weapon while in the presence of a demon.

"Yours truly," Crowley gave a small bow.

"Alright, I'm here alone just like you asked," Dean spread his arms gesturing to their surroundings.

"Indeed. I'm relieved actually. I fully expected your angel to be in the backseat of that unnecessarily loud trash bin you call a car," Crowley gestured to the impala.

Dean frowned in offense.

"Yes, everyone knows of the Winchesters pet angel," Crowley waved a dismissive hand. "I'm here because it's been brought to my attention that there is a way to stuff Lucifer back into his cage. I would very much like to see that happen and while I don't trust the likes of you, I also have no choice. What's the saying? The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

"We're not friends," Dean growled out sharply.

"Ouch, my pride," Crowley gripped at his chest with mock offense.

"Get to the point," Dean huffed, he didn't want to be gone too long. Sam might get suspicious.

"Your colt won't kill an arch angel. I know that's your grand plan." Crowley walked down the creaky rotten steps, towards Dean.

Dean frowned. How had this demon known that?

"I make it my business to know what you three are up to," Crowley explained simply. "There's a rumor going around about the four horsemen." Crowley continued.

"Yeah, so?" Dean shrugged. He really wished he'd just get to the point.

"So apparently they are the key to locking Lucifer back in his cage. I don't know exactly how yet, but I'm looking into it, however I thought you and your brothers might have better luck." Crowley waved a dramatic hand around as he spoke.

"How do you know this?" Dean asked suspiciously.


"The god of mischief?"

"The very one. He's apparently unhappy with the going ons of the apocalypse and said that if someone got their hands on the four horsemen it could be stopped. He owed me a favor and he's got "a man on the inside". Like I said I don't know any more than that, but if we work together maybe we can shove the devil back in his hole and we can all go back to hating each other," Crowley looked at Dean expectantly.

"What are you wanting in exchange for this information?" Dean was waiting for a catch. There had to be one.

"Weren't you listening? I want the bloody devil locked back up!" Crowley shouted.

"That's it?" Dean knew better than to trust a demon.

"That's it. I'm not an idiot, I can see the writing on the wall, I'm just trying to save my own backside. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a few deals to make," Crowley gave another bow before snapping his fingers.

Dean blinked, looking around for the shorter man, but he was gone.

Dean's shoulders relaxed some as he made his way back to the impala. The four horsemen. It wasn't much to go on but it was more than they had before.

Writing this chapter made me miss Crowley! 😭
Anyway, let me know what you think!

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