The faint sliver of a spark ran through my skin as it made contact with hers... bunching my eyebrows forward I looked down at her, noticing that she was looking a little nervous, I pulled away confused.

"Ruby... Where is your mark?" I stopped dead in my tracks as I looked at the spot on her neck where my scar should be proudly displayed, that was bare of any mark at all.

I could hear her heart rate increase as she felt the area of her neck that was bare.

She furiously rubbed at the skin as she stumbled with her words, making my confusion grow.

"I... what do you mean... maybe it... maybe it healed?! you know that we heal fast" she started to quickly walk away from me as she brushed off the fact that my mark was gone.

"No!" I grabbed her hand and stopped her from taking another step "we all know that the mark of a mate, doesn't heal" I was beyond confused and starting to feel angry as she tried to dodge my questions.

Ruby was desperately trying to explain things to me as my parents made their way out of the pack house.

"Caleb whats going on?" they questioned as they took in my red face and Ruby's tears.

"Ruby's mark is healed" I replied in disbelief.

"That't not possible" Kai spoke up slowly, adding to all of our confusion...

"oh my goddess..." My mothers voice gasped as the pin dropped.

"Caleb please just let me expla..." Ruby was cut off by a loud growl. My growl.

"What did you do!?" I roared as Kai took a hold of Ruby's arm and pulled her away from me.

I looked at the girl before me... a girl that I had once been smitten over... a girl I had once felt a connection too... but now... I looked at her and felt nothing...

"What did you do?!?!" I roared as I began charging at her, only to be stopped by my best friend, Kent, and my father.

I looked around slowly to see a crowd had begun to form around us.

"Kai we have to go!" I screamed as I wriggled myself free from Kent's grip, but I wasn't heading towards Ruby... no... I was heading towards the forrest...

To find Sophia...

Sophia's POV

It had been an entire week... 7 days... 168 hours...

and I was finally feeling like myself again... well like Grace at least...

It had been tough trying to get used to my middle name now being my first name. I just needed a clean slate. I had promised myself that whenever I found a place to feel safe I would no longer exist, and now, Sophia no longer exists.

I had grown so close to Abi over the past few days and Auntie was an angel sent from the goddess herself.

They kept me calm and made me feel at home.

Oh and there was also Eric...

Otherwise known as Mr. Brown Eyes.

We had become close as well, he made me feel... safe.

I was currently sitting across from Abi at Aunties Diner as she stuffed a handful of fries in her mouth.

"Your'e beautiful" I giggled as she rolled her eyes in response.

I slowly took a sip of water as I locked eyes with Eric who was sat proudly in his usual spot, three seats behind us.

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