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Louis's POV
"I have to go Lou, it's apparently a 'very important business meeting' that all of the Styles family has to go to. It's only going to be for a week, so it's not like as if I'm going to be gone for long," Harry told me as he was packing a suitcase.

Today, he had to catch a flight to France because his family has some kind of deal that they are about to close up on and Harry's going to have to go since his mother said so. "But baby....I'm going to miss you still," I said with a sigh.

"I'm going to miss you too Lou, and I promise to stay in touch as much as I can," He said as he looked at his phone before he looked at me. "How do I know that you are taking your shots?" I asked him as I saw the 8 syringes left in the back. 1 for each day.

"I'll video chat with you as my mother gives it to me, so that you don't have to worry, okay?" He asks as he puts it into his bag. "And I'll have Niall give me the shot when I get back, so don't worry," He said as he zipped his luggage up.

"Alright, I'm all set, and I have everything ready...except..." He said as he walked up to me. "What?" I asked as I sadly looked into his eyes. "I need a kiss from you, but not a goodbye kiss!" He pointed out as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I smiled weakly before I bent down and kissed him. He immediately kissed back and the kiss I'm went on for a small bit before his phone rang.

He let out a small groan before he pulled away to answer the phone. "Yes mum...Paul's here?...Okay well let me say goodbye to my boyfriend before I leave...love you too...mbye," He said before he hung up the phone. He then looked at me with a smile and hugged me. "I'm going to be calling you every night, so don't you dare miss a call, or you're going to be dealing with a very pouty boyfriend," He told me and I chuckled.

"If I don't call you first," I whispered and he giggled. He pulled away, but planted a warm kiss to my cheek before he fully pulled away from my and picked up his luggage. I opened his bedroom for him and he thanked me. I walked with him out of the dorm and we walked to the parking lot where a black suv was waiting.

I had to let go of Harry's hand and I swear to god that when I did let go, I felt like as if the world was slowly swallowing me whole with every step that my lover took. It was kind of hard for me to watch him get in that car and be driven out of my sight, but I couldn't do anything but smile and wave the boy of my entire life, goodbye. When the cat was no longer in my sight, I turned and walked to nails dorm, knowing that he was staying there today.

I walked up the steps before I slowly lifted my fist and knocked. I pulled out my phone when I felt it vibrate and it was a text...from Harry. I never changed his user since it heald a lot of memories.

Text messages:
H: I beat ya to the punch!💚

I smiled at his text before I swiftly moved my fingers across the keyboard to respond with:

L: I see that you have. However, we were talking about calling love.💙

H is calling...

I let out a laugh before I answered the callm. "I beat you to that too! You better step up your game Tomlinson because as I see it, it's Styles 2, Boyfriend 0."  "Oh yeah? What if I say that I want you to call me with the vibrator in your pretty hole and you can't touch yourself?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "If you were to do that then it will be...Styles 2 Boyfriend 4. I hate the fact that you know my kinks..."

"It's all important when your relationship lovely." "No it's not! Shawn and Niall dint so this?" "Have you ever asked them if they have?" "Ew no! It's not my business to know what my best friend does with his boyfrien," "Then you don't know if they are doing this or not. I mean, I'm right in front of his door, so I can just ask him myself." "Oh god, please don't. That is like Class 1 of the most embarrassing things to ever happen to me." "How so lovely?" "Oh I don't know...fhe fact the my boyfriend wants to ask my best friend if he shares or does any kinks with his boyfriend."

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