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Louis's POV
We were getting ready for this appointment and I was the one who was ready first, so I was waiting on Harry at the front door. I was wearing a white sweater, black jeans, black boots, and a scarf and hat. I pulled out my thick jacket since it was cold as hell outside.

"Harry, your appointment is in 10 minutes, are you ready?" I asked from the bottom of the stairs. "Hold on! I'm trying to find something cute to wear!" He replied back and I rolled my eyes with a smile. "You always look cute baby. Whatever you wear will be cute nonetheless," I called back and after a few minutes of waiting, Harry was down the stairs and was now standing in front of me.

I smiled as I saw what he was wearing. You know, there are times where I'm so happy that it's winter because that means that I'll be seeing Harry wearing clothes like these:

"Thanks for the compliment Lou, but we are going somewhere that's public, which means that paparazzi will be there which also means that out family is going to see us

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"Thanks for the compliment Lou, but we are going somewhere that's public, which means that paparazzi will be there which also means that out family is going to see us. Gotta look good for them, right?" He asked and I gave a dramatic sigh before nodding. "I guess you are...now let's go," I said and took his hands as we walked out of the door to our dorm and I locked it right behind us.

"Who's driving?" Harry asked and I replied with "I am" without even thinking about it. I unlocked my car and we both got in. I turned the car engine on and switched on the radio before I turned on the air conditioner and backed out of the dorm parking lot. Harry had his hand on top of mine which was on the shifter and I looked at him to see thst he was already nervous.

"Babe, don't freak out. This is my doctor thst we are visiting. My family's doctor actually, so he knows what he's doing. He'll check on you and see if there is anything wrong, give you the news, and we'll choose on what we want to do to solve the problem. He'll check on me too, so you're not alone on this," I said comfortingly and he took a deep breath before letting it out, saying "Okay".

The rest of the ride was filled with utter silence before I took notice of the hospital building up ahead. I took a breath before I entered the parking lot and parked my car. When I did, I looked at Harry and he looked at me with a fearful look. I leaned over and gave him a long and loving kiss before saying, "You got this Harry. It's nothing painful. All there is the shots and the body scan.

He's going to ask a few questions before he comes to a conclusion, and that'll be it, okay?" I asked and he just got out of the car in response. I got out soon after and he immediately grabbed my hand when I was out. I smiled and kissed his cheek before we walked into the building.

I walked up to the reception desk and the lady looked st me and checked me out before she starred to fix shit. I rolled my eyes as she asked with a flirtatious tone of her eyes, "How can I help you today?" "Yes, I have an appointment for my boyfriend today. The name is Tomlinson," I replied and when I mentioned boyfriend, her mood changed.

"Your gay?" She asked and I laughed, "Well I'm certainly not straight. Now can you get me my doctor?" I asked, already annoyed with this bitch trying to judge my sexuality. She rolled her eyes at me before she typed a few things in before saying, "He's ready for you. Room 34 on this floor." I thanked her nonetheless and walked back to my petrified boyfriend. 

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