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Harry's POV
So today is my first official day of being Louis's boyfriend. Oh my god! Just thinking about it makes me all giddy on the inside! I mean I'm dating the boy that I've been talking to for 3 years over Kik. The boy that I never knew that I was ever going to meet. The boy that is also my roomate and now my sexy and hot boyfriend~

I got up from my bed and skipped into my closet, getting ready for school. I was also planning on trying out for the cheer squad after school today. Yes, we are a boys private school, but there are boys who cheer as well. Hopefully, I become the leader of the squad. I am very flexible and I have a strong talent of doing flips, spilts, and other things like that. Louis doesn't know it, but that's why I'm going to suprise him by showing him my tryout outfit.

I put on the outfit that I was going to wear today and had the practice clothes on a hanger. I chose to put on the outfit that Louis bought me yesterday. Let me just say this...my LouBear has really good taste. The outfit goes perfect with the boots, and the flower crown was just the absolute perfect accessory. I twirled in front of a mirror and smiled at myself and how good I looked in the clothes.

I skipped out of the bathroom and I picked up the hanger that had my tryout outfit. I walked out of my room and walked down the stairs to see Louis on the couch with a bowl of cereal in his hands. I smiled as I walked to the couch and spoke happily, "Good morning Daddy." He looked at me and smiled. He patted the seat next to him and I gladly sat next to him.

"Morning darling, what's that you got there?" He asked, referring to the outfit on the hanger. "Oh, I was just planning on trying out for the cheer squad. Does it look good?" I asked as I held it up. He looked at it and shrugged, "I guess? It looks good on a hanger," He answered and I giggled.

"I meant, would it look good on me?" I changed up the question and he made an 'O' face before he shook his head. Ow...."To be honest with you, it'll look more sexy than just good," He added and I sighed with relief.

"Did you really think that I was actually going to say that you are going to look back in an outfit? I'm sorry, but have you not met yourself? You look sexy in everything, Harry. You even look sexy in my clothes. Hell, you look better than me." Louis said before he finished up on his cereal and put the dish into the sink. I stood up and walked up to him when his back was facing me in the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around his stomach and I smiled as I rested my head on his back.

"You're so sweet Lou," I said as I closed my eyes. I felt him move though, so I looked up to see him smiling down at me. He cupped my face in his hands and pressed his lips against mine. I giggled as I kissed him back. The kiss was slow and very gentle like as if the two of us were a package that was labeled as 'Fragile'. It was deep though. It made me want more, but then I remembered that we still had school, so I hesitantly pulled away.

"Heeeyyy, why did we stop?" He asked with a really cute pout on his face. I smiled and poked his nose with my finger. "Because we still have school Lou. I don't want the reason as to why we are late is because we had sex," I said and he immediately gasped. "How can my beautiful angel be so dirty? I just wanted to makeout, but apparently you are that thirsty for a piece of Tomlinson~" Louis said, raising his eyebrows up and down.

I rolled my eyes, but winced when I felt a slap on my bum. "And apparently, I did an amazing job last night~ You enjoyed that good and hard fucking, didn't you baby?" He whispered the question into my ear. He was so close that his breath was hitting my neck, making me shiver and whimper a little. "M-maybe..." I stuttered as I felt him get a good hold of my bum and squeeze it. "Well I'm glad that I was able to make my baby feel good," He said and I bit my bottom lip as he massaged my bum. The feeling felt so good and I loved it.

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