Chapter 11

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The air was warmer than you expected, although still crisp and cool. You were pretty impressed with Loki's choice of clothes for you, it was very much what you had imagined an Asgardian to wear. You had some skin tight grey jeans on along with knee high lace up brown boots, being very specific on having some sort of a coat - to which Loki of course told you, it isn't cold and you should go to Jotunheim and then you'd be cold - but you won him over and gained a large fur coat; maybe that explained why it didn't feel so cold.

You looked up and noticed the vehicle wasn't there, you couldn't see it and there was no mist in sight, you pondered as to where it was and became very perplexed in the process.

Loki looked over to you, "it has light deflecting panels which bend the light and make it appear to be invisible."

"Oh," you nodded, "well to be honest that was pretty obvious now I think about it."

You walked forward onto the bay and listened as the sound of the wet sand squashed beneath your boots. You could hear the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore and you could almost taste the salt water in the air, this took you back. You could actually remember things, things you assumed you'd forget, but knew there was just some things the Avengers couldn't take and that was family. You was still very close to both your mum, dad and brother but they lived a long way from you now and you didn't really get to see them as often as you liked, so coming back to places like this made you quite emotionally unstable.

You began to picture, as clear as day, the images of you and your brother rushing hand in hand down the beach while the rain poured down over your heads, but you didn't care you were young and in your red wellies and you wanted anything but to stay clean, you wanted the sand in your shoes and the rain water to soak your hair.

You spotted a near by stick and began to draw in the sand you wrote what you always had the date and the year, it seemed silly to you now but you were convinced as children the date and the year would still be embedded in the sand the next time you came for a visit.

"What's that for?" Loki asked

"Sentiment," you explained.

"Are you being...soppy?" Loki asked remembering what you had taught him.

You chuckled, "yes I guess you could say that."

You dropped the stick and stood back to watch the ocean lap against the sand when Loki began, "so what's the plan?"

"I got an idea," you admitted beginning to walk towards the right of the bay. Loki followed suit and you began to talk about everything and anything something you couldn't say you'd ever really done.

"I haven't been here in over ten years," you began.

"Well at least they won't expect to find us here then," Loki thought.

"Do you ever, not, think about being captured?"

"Well love it seems I'm always on the run from something," Loki admitted.

"I bet you haven't always been," you thought "I bet when you were younger you didn't, unless of course you was running from Thor, playing tiggy."

Loki was silent for while, then you realised he probably wouldn't know what tiggy was, or at least he might not have called it that as a child. "Tig is a game where someone has to chase the other players and tag them, once they have tagged another player they are then the ones to get chased," you clarified.

"Maybe we did then, but me and Thor aren't exactly on speaking terms at the moment."

"Oh, well you should be family is family and Thor's your brother so you should look after each other."

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