
541 31 2

Wang Jackson

I tied his hands in a rope and hanged it upwards, so he'll look like a dead meat hanging in the freezer.

I put on a blindfold and a mouth choker so he can't speak or shout in general.

I go back to my desk and sharpen my blades. Like my saw, axe, cleavers, swords, even needles and razors. Just to get the full effect.

Once I was satisfied, I stood up and left the room, leaving Jaebum hanging. Literally.

I still remember the story Jaebum had told me. And it still fuels the anger inside me. How dare he kiss Jinyoung? I'll make him and his lips pay.

I need to cool my head down so I decided to kill some time. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number on the note.

Lee Jooheon

I was walking towards home when my phone rang. I checked the caller's ID that made me slightly nervous and flustered.

Wang Jackson is calling you!

"H-hello?" I stammered. Great.

"Hello! You're Jooheon right? You're kinda cute when you stutter." He said as he chuckled, making me embarassed even more.

"Ayy... you're making me embarassed. Stop it!" Now it was my turn to chuckle because of his silliness.

I stopped at the bus stop stand and sat there, waiting for the bus to arrive. Checking the time, it'll be here for 10 minutes so I have time to spare for him.

"So, how was your day at work? Did you eat well?" He asked as I was shocked, is he really that interested in me?

"Well. Work is boring not until I saw you. And yes, I did eat when it was my breaktime. It wasn't that much though." I answered as I tried my best not to stutter. He just chuckled and hummed in response.

"Well, how are you Jackson?" I asked as he thinked first before answering.

"I'm fine, I guess? Maybe it's because later I will have one of my burdens off my chest." He answered as I answered a small 'ok'. He might be having a big trouble and I'm glad that he'll have it off of him.

"Well, I wish you goodluck to whatever problem that is. I hope you get rid of it immediately so that you'll feel refreshed." I said.

"Yeah, I'll get rid of it real soon so you don't have to worry." He said as I felt relief and I don't know why. I'm just really happy that he'll breakthrough out of it.

"Well. It was nice talking to you, see you around Joohoney~!" He said as I felt my heart jumping all around.

"See you. B-bye!" I stammered again so I had the urge to end the call immediately but my fingers hated me so it accidentally tapped on the 'Video Chat' button. Jackson declined and just chuckled at the end of the line.

"Not now, maybe sometime." He said as he ended the call. I don't know what to do to save me from the embarassment. Should I write a long explanation message to him or just hide?

I decided to shake it off now as the bus appeared infront of me. Wow, it came earlier than I expected.



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