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Hewwo I'm baaaackkkk I had to get over a massive writers block but now I have soooo many ideas all for you guys!

I smiled as I drove down the street my 6 months pregnant wife next to me singing along to her favorite song her hand on her baby bump as she bounced around. She gasped suddenly and turned to me " TRISTON WE NEED TO GO TO ARBY'S!!!" I looked over at her raising a eyebrow "Why?" She pouted before answering " I need Arby's duh." I smiled before taking a exit that had a Arby's before pulling into the drive through turning my head to her " what you want Kitten?" she grinned wildly and rambled off all the food she wants to me, laughing I shook my head before ordering her horde of food pulling up to the window and paying. She smiled happily when I handed her her food stealing a few mozzarella sticks dodging her swipe at me head whining at me and pouting about how I stole her food and  she and the baby where gonna starve. I just laughed and said to her "You will live Lexi." She finally stopped and turned her attention to her assortment of food the car filled with the sound of her munching and moaning mouth I scrunched up my face turning the music up and turned to drive my family home. Smiling I thought to myself " I have a family, my own family."

Petite (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now