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I looked at anything but her face the reason being that I could not resist her puppy dog eyes as of right now she is begging me to go to the store and get her snacks but I told her no so she flashed those damn puppy dog eyes and I don't mean the ones that most people do I mean like puss in boots puppy dog eyes her brown eyes widened and beginning to sparkle her bottom lip pouting and quivering and she looks up at me and I just melt. This girl was gonna kill me once again I shake my head no her eyes well up with tears and she runs of yelling that I'm the worst husband ever and that it was my fault she was like this I could here her crying from the kitchen all the way on the other side of the house. Sighing I grabbed my keys she was to busy crying to notice me leave I drive quickly to the store grabbed a tub of Cookies n Cream ice cream a bag of lays chips three bottles of Dr Pepper and two bars of Carmel chocolate before paying and racing home. I walked softly into our room with the ice cream and a spoon I could hear her sniffling and the sound of the tv in our room playing The Last Kingdom on Netflix ( AN good show btw) I opened the door and she looked up at me from her cocoon of blanket I could she her barely showing belly throw the blanket in was wrapped to tightly around her and pouted I smiled softly and held up the ice cream her eyes brightened and she jumped up snatching her goodies before going back into her nest. I took off my shoes before climbing in behind her she lay between my legs back resting on my stomach and chest we watched the show she ate her ice cream and yelled at the tv during the battles and I sat there smiling and yelling with her stroking her hair. She began yelling at the main character to chop some dudes nuts off then laughed at all the gore I looked down at her she had a crazy excited look in her eye and a mouthful of ice cream I smiled my kitten was crazy girl but she is my crazy girl and I love her so much it hurts

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