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As of right now my wife was bouncing around the house in excitement today we where going to the doctor to find out the gender of the baby and she was so excited she couldn't contain it "calm down kitten." I said laughing slightly she turned to me with bright eyes "noooooo." I shook my head smiling before looking at the time "time to go get into the car." She bolted out of the house for a pregnant woman she sure moved fast sighing I followed her out the door where I saw her in her seat bouncing up and down smiling like a crazy person. When we got to the doctor and got called into the room she could barely contain her excitement  but she also couldn't hide her nervousness her tiny body was in the table feet swinging hands fiddling I smiled to myself at her adorableness. The doctor walked into the room "hoi Dr. Jackie!" Lexi beamed Dr. Jackie smiled "hello Lexi, you ready to see your baby's gender?" Lexi nodded eagerly "mmhmm." She laid back and pulled up her shirt knowing what to do I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze I say her shiver as the jell was squirted on her belly bump the doctor moved the  ultrasound wand around her stomach  looking at the screen eagerly I waited "hmmm." The doctor mused then said "aha found it." We both looked at her she smiled "well you guys you are having a girl." My eyes filled with tears and Kitten looked at me smiling tears also in her eyes "WHERE GONNA HAVE A LITTLE GIRL BABE!!" I nodded not really able to do anything else she hugged me and said again "a little girl." I nodded "our little girl." 

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