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Sorry I haven't updated in forever but guys guess what His Petite Girl has 109 views holy shiiaaat thank you all I love all my readers for making my dreams come true.

"I wanna baby." I snapped my head to the side so fast I got whiplash my eyes must have been the size of a dinner plate "what?" She looked up at me from watching her phone "you heard me I wanna have a baby." I gaped at her "you wanna what? Wait what why?" She giggles " I wanna family and why the hell not ." I smiled getting excited "what happened to no kids and only animals?" She laughed " I changed my mind I mean you want kids right?" I nodded I had wanted kids but she said no that she refused to go through the horrors of birth. I laughed and smiled before picking her up and swinging her around in the air she squealed " omg our own family."

~A month later~

My wife came running at me smiling and crying " what's wrong kitten? She laughed at me with tear filled eyes " Triston we are gonna have a family!" I looked at her " I know that we are already trying." She looked at me and pulled out a pregnancy test correction a positive pregnancy test I looked at her shocked " is this a joke?" I said "tell me this isn't a joke." She handed me the test I looked at it before tearing up " I'm gonna be a- a." She grabbed me in a hug " your gonna be a daddy." I laughed not believing my ears I was gonna be a father we where going to have a family I pulled her up into my arms and kissed her mouth long and sweet before putting her down and placing a hand on her stomach I pulled up Lexi's shirt crouching and kissed her belly before looking up and her from her mid area " hello little baby." I whispered " I'm your daddy."

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