Friendly Date (la deuxième partie / part two)

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Author's Note: Quick short note before you read this chapter. I got bored so I added the French translation for 'part two', so if you guys were wondering, no, I am not French or anything. I wish... Anyways! Um, I'm not sure this chapter will be very interesting. It's the first chapter I've done for this story that will be a little...lovey-dovey? No, not really, but you know what I mean. So if it seems a bit weird or anything, excuse me because I don't want to get this story too intimate too fast, so ya know... Yeah. Enjoy!

   "Dinner was great, Harry. Thanks." I told him, smiling up at the twinkling sky. It was about forty past seven now, and Harry and I had just left the restaurant. We were settling down into his car to get ready to go to the fair near Big Ben. I hadn't noticed during the whole dinner that we've spent over an hour just eating and talking. Well, mostly talking and getting to know each other. It went a little like this:

    My favorite color was blue, which Harry already knew but wanted to ask anyway. His was blue, too, which coincidental, since he was wearing blue.

    He has a sister--something I did not know besides the fact that he had a stepdad, a mother, and a father--named Gemma. I, on the other hand, was an only child. I was the oldest child of the family and had three cousins that I knew of. The rest were probably in other parts of the world.

    Harry likes cats. Well, I like any types of animals besides snakes, alligators, crocodiles, insects, bugs, and all that nasty stuff. And I'm not very fond of anything besides soft, furry, adorable pets like kittens and puppies and bunnies. When I was still in California--getting ready to move out to the UK--I told myself that I'd get myself a pet when I came here. When I told Harry that, though, he told me he'd get me one as soon as he had time to, which I kindly declined, but he said that there wasn't an option. I figured, why not? Consider it a "Welcome to England" gift, so I thanked him and told him I'd like a small pup or kitten.

    My favorite type of food is pasta. Harry's was tacos. That was nice...I think.

    So yeah. That's basically the first half of how our dinner went. Besides the fact that our waitress was a complete fan and she practically eye-raped him in front of the both of us, our dinner went incredibley perfect.

    I buckled my seat belt and leaned my head to the left so it was supported against the window. To be a bit honest, I was extremely full and tired, but not that kind of tired. I just didn't want to move for a while. I hope the fair is half an hour far, or else I'll be super grumpy and Harry'll have to carry me. When Harry and I had walked to the car earlier after we left the restaurant, I, without thinking, went to the right side of the car where in America would be the passenger's seat. It was actually the driver's. I knew that! I just forgot. Seriously. Trust me. I forgot. At least his car was nice. Right? No? Okay.

    It's been about fifteen minutes now. We've been throwing out a few questions and answers, some funny topics, and anything in general to talk about, and when we didn't, there was a comfortable silence.

    Now that I realized it, I feel very comfortable with Harry. I felt like I could do anything, say anything, with him, and I wouldn't be embarrassed. I've had quite a few guy friends back in America, but I've lost touch with them a few months ago when we graduated. They've moved, settled in their dorms in university, or just didn't bother to call me up to hang out. Not that it mattered, I was too busy packing and planning things to make time to get Starbucks with them or see a movie. But now that I've found Harry, I think I might have no problem losing him. Of course, I won't see him every single day, and I might not see him at all at the end of this week--he's going to his family's and will probably have other plans involving their upcoming tour next year, and Zoe and I have to get our stuff into our new apartment soon, which is an amazing apartment too--but to know that I might be able to call him up any time I have something to say and Zoe wasn't interested in it, it felt really nice. It was like I've found a much better replacement for the several friends who've come and gone, and that Harry could be here for a long while. I just...I can't explain it in words that well. I sometimes even found myself smiling at the fact at it. Like I am now.

Catch Me ~ A One Direction/Harry Styles Fan Fictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें