Intermission: A Peaceful First Night

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The first night at Beacon was quiet for the most part. Everyone was sleeping in their respective rooms, except for one particular white-haired girl.

Team assignments were a bit of a surprise, mainly to Weiss. Why was she just a team member? Why wasn't she the team leader? And why was she a team leader?

Weiss wasn't talking about her own team. She was talking about CNEM and their team leader, Cinder Fall. What made her more qualified? She would be mad at Ruby being team leader, but this issue was eating her up.

The heiress then got out of her bed in the middle of the night in her nightgown. She walked out of her dorm and across the hallway to reach team JNPR's.

She quietly knocked on the door. Half of her was hoping someone would open it. The other was hoping that no one answered and she didn't want to grieve to him. She didn't want to seem like she was weak.

Unfortunately for the other half, the first half's wishes were granted. And Oum behold, Jaune opened the door rubbing his eyes.

"Hello?" Jaune wearily greeted, "Is it you, dad?"

"Hi Ja-"

"I told you that your "GLORIOUS" son is sleeping fine."

"Jaune I-"

"No, I don't want to spar with you righ‐"

Weiss grew impatient and slapped the living crap out of Jaune. It wasn't just one slap, it was a full-on assault.

"Heyheyheyhey!" Jaune put up his arms to protect himself, "I was just joking."

Weiss stopped. "Well, your jokes suck," Weiss stated with her arms crossed.

"Oh, C'mon," Jaune defended, "It wasn't that bad."

"You're right it wasn't bad," Jaune's eyes lit up.

"It was terrible."

Jaune's spirit visibly left Jaune's body. Weiss couldn't help but laugh.

Weiss lightly slapped his face to get him back together. It worked.

"So, what did you wanted to talk to me about?" Jaune asked.

"Well," Weiss paused, "Can we talk, alone?"

"Um, sure."

And soon both of them started walking down the long hallway to the calm courtyard of Beacon.

"How do you feel about the team assignments?" Weiss asked bluntly.

"Um, well," Jaune contemplated, "It was certainly a surprise when I was assigned, team leader."

"Are you kidding me?"


"You need to stop doubting yourself. It is really agitating when you try to do that whole, 'I am not that good' act," Weiss said annoyed, "Especially when you deserve it."

"Uh, What?"

"In other words, it pisses me off when you feel bad about yourself," Weiss said bluntly.

"Oh," Jaune said rubbing his nape, "So, what's troubling you on this peaceful night?"

"It's the team assignments," Weiss stated.

"What's wrong with the team assignments?" Jaune raised an eyebrow, "Are you mad that Ruby's team leader?"

"Well, yes," Weiss explained, "But honestly, when I think about it, Ruby does have the potential to becoming a great leader."



"I did not expect you to be so accepting of Ruby," Jaune said dumbfounded.

"Well, I did see her performance on the battlefield," Weiss said, "She does have fast instincts, but she needs work on strategy. But if I were my younger self, I would probably be throwing a fit at the decision to making her team leader."

Jaune then started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"I can't believe how fast you mature! We haven't seen each other in four years and you've grown up so much!" Jaune said in great joy.

Weiss looked at him at shock then started to laugh with him.

As the two's laughter died down. Jaune asked, "So, I am guessing this is about Cinder then."

"Yes," Weiss confirmed, "I am extremely annoyed that she got the position as team leader."

"Why?" Jaune asked, "She worked hard and in my personal opinion she deserved it."

"I know that!" Weiss exclaimed, "It just frustrates me!"

Jaune looked at her confused.

"She acts like she is that good. And the worst part is that she is that good! I just really hate seeing her succeed! Especially, if she is doing better than me!" Weiss ranted.

"What happened?"

That simple question stopped Weiss in her rant. She knew exactly what he meant.

"I still have trouble finding where we went wrong," Weiss explained, "We were best friends and now we hate each other. I know it happened after the attempt at transmutation. But I don't really know why we're like this."

"I guess you'll just have to talk to her," Jaune suggested.

Jaune looked at Weiss who had a very unsettled face at the statement. He could tell that she didn't want to.

"Just talk to her," Jaune suggested once more, "It's better to let it out than to hold it in."

Weiss nodded.

Then silence. The two sat there. Their blue eyes stared at each other. It was honestly comforting to Weiss to have a moment alone with Jaune after so long even if it 

"Well, I guess we should head back now," Jaune said as he turned back to the dorms.

"Yeah," Weiss agreed.

The two then began walking toward the dorms silently. Every footstep and breath exchanged was heard.

"Hey, Jaune?"

"Yeah Weiss?" Jaune asked as he turned around to face Weiss.

Suddenly, Jaune felt a pair of soft warm lips grace his cheek. His eyes widen and his cheeks turned bright red. Weiss wasn't much different as she pulled back from Jaune's now red face.

"Well, see you tomorrow!" Weiss said as she dashed toward the dorms. 

'What just happened?' Jaune asked himself.

But little did Jaune or Weiss know, that a certain raven-haired girl watched them with great envy.

'Oum dammit,' Cinder cursed, 'You win this time, Weiss. But Jaune will be mine.'

To be continued...

A/n: this is an intermission because it is way too short to be a chapter. But I am still going to post it anyway so hah. Anyways this was made to fill in the gaps on Weiss at this point of the story.

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