1. At the age of

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A boy who went by the name of Park Jimin. Growing up he had a great life, a wonderful family and good friends, he always faced the world with a bright smile even if chaos was breaking out in the world.

But all of that happiness ended at the age of 12, his world flipped upside down and everything came down crashing and there was something wrong that couldn't find the answer, suddenly Jimin wasn't the Jimin he used to be. What is it that we speak of? Depression? Oh no, you're wrong.

At the age of 12, Park Jimin suddenly went color blind. It was a sudden panic that overflowed like a river after a beaver dam collapsing.
Jimin was doing his normal routine that he did daily, painting. He was sitting in the back room of his house, doing what he loved with his best friend and his eyes focused on the pastel colors of the sky outside, the tall buildings and the people walking by.
At that moment something was wrong and it caused his breath to hitch and heart raising into his ears, he shook his head as his vision went white, panicking and stumbling back as a electric shock wave struck through his body that sudden moment.
He shouted for his best friend, Jungkook in fear and confusion and he collapsed as soon as he was caught, when he opened his eyes, his vision was no longer the same, the painting on the canvas was no longer the colors that he loved.

There was no explanation on why this happened.
They went to the doctors and they said it was cancer, so they searched.. and searched for what seemed like ever but they couldn't find an answer to what was wrong, his life went into a spiral, but it was a part of him he had to deal with.

Even when he hears someone say "oh! Jimin! Look at this pretty flower, isn't the color so pretty?" He'll just smile and nod in agreement, the older he got, the more he began to forget what colors looked like and he hated it, hated hearing "the colors of the sunset is beautiful tonight" when to him, it was just simply grey.
While his best friend Jungkook will always describe everything to him, he never wanted to feel left out. Jungkook didn't mind though, he always wanted to see Jimin's facial expressions go from fascination with love and surprise.

There's was moments when he heard people joke and tease him about his color blindness, laughing when they said "maybe when you find your soulmate, you'll no longer be colorblind" but he never once understood what they meant by any of it, so he'd just brush it off and laugh with them.

When Jimin was at the age of 19, his little brother who went by the name of Min Yoongi, who loved music and did creation of art through music, suddenly went deaf at the age 16. Which caused his world to spiral down and crash to the ground beneath him, yes that may sound dramatic, but when it comes to a teenage boy whose life depended on music, it was his happiness and suddenly he can no longer hear what his happiness even was, it was chaos on Earth.
That night, caused him to panic and fall into a mental breakdown

and it began like this

∆ Park JiMin,
Went colorblind at 12 y/os ∆

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