"Also, Bang PD kind of decided this morning that we should be put in hiatus because of the way we've been acting lately so..." Jimin trailed off sheepishly, scratching at the back of his head.

"Aish, you guys!" Seokjin chastised. But even then he couldn't hold down the swelling emotions inside him. Just a huge wave of remorse and relief and happiness and wanting to throw himself into to comfort he's been so starved of for so long.

The others immediately noticed his distress, which prompted Taehyung to throw himself unto Seokjin.

"Aaww, Jin hyung!" he drawled, cuddling into his neck. "We've missed you so much!"

Namjoon placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm glad you're back," he said with a smile before pulling both Seokjin and Taehyung into a bone crushing hug.

"Group hug part two!" exclaimed Jimin before diving right in as well, and shortly after Jungkook and Hoseok joined too.

In the middle it, Seokjin let himself be embraced. He left his wounded legs give out knowing that the arms holding him would never let him fall. Instead they will support him, pushing him higher no matter what obstacle.

He may have broken down in tears again, who knows. What he knew for sure, however, was that others held him and didn't let go.

I want to heal, Seokjin thought. I want to live.

Eventually the group hug had to be separated because poor Taehyung was starting to get crushed under. When they all regain composure, Seokjin found himself locking eyes with Yoongi.

The smile on Yoongi's face is small, but his eyes says it all. The two dark orbs radiated all the relief and wonder and love that simply cannot be described with words. He gazes at Seokjin as if he is the embodiment of the stars and the moon and all the beautifully clear melodies in the world.

"When you said there will always be space in your life for me," Seokjin said, "did you mean it?"

"Every word."


The maknae line refused to let go of Seokjin the entire way back the dorm. They clung to him like a stubborn koala. Seokjin didn't mind at all.

The eldest sniffed again and brought a hand up to wipe his face. His fingers immediately felt wet.

"Wait. Shit. How long have I been crying?"

"Honestly? You were crying even before Yoongi spotted you," Namjoon replied.

Seokjin let out a noise that was a combination of a laugh and a sob. "I'm such a baby," he whined, rubbing at his eyes.

"Which is ironic considering you're the oldest."

They walked, slowly, back to the dorm. Hand in hand, none of them brave enough to let go even a moment. Even when people might've recognized them during the route back, none of them minded.

Eventually they made it. It's the second time Seokjin set foot in their dorm. He observed the familiar pattern of the floor tiles, the mismatched furniture, the gigantic TV and all its various game consoles.

It's home. Even after all this time, it still felt like home.

He sobbed again, hand shooting up to his mouth. Everyone else immediately cooed and began to crowd him. Seokjin was all in for another hug, but then a sharp pain stung his knees when something brushed against it.


Jungkook flinched back, and was the first to notice the bleeding wound on Seokjin's leg. "Hyung, your knees!"

Precious Self in the Storm  •  Seokjin [✔]Where stories live. Discover now