She was still a little light headed but she wasn't sure if it was from the fact that she'd actually managed to step on the ice or from her exchange with Barry. The moment felt so perfect that it was impossible for her not to lose herself in it.  She hadn't realised how much she missed skating with him until it actually happened. It felt like a whole new side of her came to the surface but that had been the first time in a long time that she'd felt like herself. The butterflies came fluttering back and when she looked at him having his heated conversation with his manager she started to notice everything she had been trying to ignore. The charm in his eyes, the seductive curve of his lips, the tempting build of his body. She quickly averted her eyes as she felt her cheeks heat up.

Her eyes landed on Patti and all the bliss she'd felt deflated out of her almost as if she were an old helium balloon. She felt like she had been ambushed with a bucket of ice cold water and flung out of her day dream. Reality sunk in and she was forced to face the facts. That picture perfect dream she had of her and Barry would never be more than a dream. She couldn't subject herself to that torture every day. 15 minutes with him on the ice was enough to have her wanting to push him up against a wall and claim his lips like her life depended on it. What would a a week of training do? And if they made it to sectionals? What about when they made it to nationals and had to travel together?

Iris felt her panic grow as she went down a worm hole of dangerous situations. Her mind was telling her to walk away while she still could but her heart was a blaze with a desire she thought she'd snuffed out years ago. Turns out the flames were merely dormant, waiting for her to see him again, feel his touch, revel in the sent of his cologne. That was all it took for her to be thrust back into her 16 year old self, in love with her best friend but too afraid to admit it to anyone, including herself.

"I think I'm gonna head out. This migraine won't cure itself," she said while taking a few steps back. Her aunt grabbed her arm and pulled her back to the mini circle they had formed just as Snart walked towards them.
"Where do you think you're going young lady? We need to talk business." she squealed.
"Ladies, sorry for that rude interruption. Now Iris, if you and Barry will just add your signatures to the sign up sheets we can make this official." Snart said, bringing his hands together infront of him.
"Make what official?" Patti asked and Iris began to contemplate making a break for it.
"Iris and I are going to be skating partners." Barry announced as he joined them and all thought of fleeing escaped her mind. That is until he draped his arm around Patti's shoulders and planted a kiss on her forehead. Iris suddenly felt physically ill and her migraine seemed to worsen.
"Uh, can I think about it?" she stuttered, rubbing her arm awkwardly.
"Iris honey. What is there to think about? You and Barry are the perfect pair on the ice. This is your chance to get back out there and Barry's chance to clean up his name. It's the opportunity of a life time." Cecile insisted giving each of Iris's shoulders a firm squeeze.
"How about we sleep on it and make a decision tomorrow? She's not feeling very well and I don't think that this is making her feel any better." Barry advised and both Cecile and Snart shrugged in defeat.
"Very well. But if you come to a decision before then I'm hosting a party at the hotel, a sort of welcome home bash if you will. You should definetly stop by." Snart suggested with a slightly wicked smile.
Barry took the sign up sheet which Cecile offered her niece, signed it and then gave it back to Iris.
"The decision is yours." He said and she might have been hallucinating but she could have sworn that there was a hint of pleading in his eyes.
"I'll be sure to think about it carefully." she said in a soft tone with her head slightly bowed.
As she walked away she heard Patti say
"I'm not sure I like this idea very much," to which Barry replied
"Don't worry about it babe. It's just business."
At the sound of the other girls giggle she felt her heart crumple to pieces and quickened her step out of fear that they would notice the tears in her eyes.

Back at home she stared at the piece of paper as she layed down on her bed. She wanted to accept it but at the same time she was scared of what continued contact with him would do to her. That impromptu practice came to show her just how hung up she still was on him and she wasn't sure her heart could handle that sort of heartbreak a second time. A knock at the door brought her back from her pondering session and Iris made her way downstairs to see who it was.
Barry stood outside her door with a bag with what looked like medicine in one hand and a box from CC Jitters in the other.

"Barry. What are you doing here?" She asked surprised and he offered her a sheepish smile.
"Um...I wasn't sure if you had any thing for your migraine so I ran down to the drug store and got you a light pain killer. It should help. Oh and uh, you can't take pills on an empty stomach so I got you brownies and cronuts. Those are still your favourites right?" He stammered and she chuckled finding the situation endearingly humerus.
"Um, yes. Yes they are. I don't even know what to say. Thank you," she said taking the bag and box from him.
"You're welcome, just doing my job as your possible future partner. You know. We gotta look out for eachother," he said and stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets.
She bit her lip in thought then said
"Come on in, I'll be right be back."

She made her way back up to her bedroom, grabbed a pen and without a second thought signed her name on the dotted line next to his. She looked at the document satisfied, it wasn't a wedding certificate but it was still a binding contract with both their names on it and at this point she'd take what she could get. Iris joined Barry downstairs and handed him the piece of paper. He looked at it then flashed her a seductive grin and all she could do was look at him through hooded eyes and sway from side to side like a five year old who's been caught.
"I knew you'd make the right choice," he said as she walked him to the door and she gave him her best 'whatever' smile.
"Nice doing business with you ma lady." he said with a goofy courtesy and Iris laughed as she watched him leave.
"Hey Teddy bear!" she called after him and he turned around to look at her already half way to his car.
"Thanks again for the care package. I'll see you tonight," and with one last look at his satisfied grin she closed the door and leaned against it feeling like a teenager all over again.

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