Chapter 2

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Magnus' POV:

You know you've had a wild party when you wake up the next day with your head hurting so bad that you can't keep your eyes open and you're naked in a bathtub, surrounded by sleeping bodies, blurry unconscious forms covering your floor. Damn, my head's spinning hard and I have to get rid of everyone before I do something about it.

With slow and gentle moves I untangle myself from the strippers wearing police officer's costumes and make my way to the kitchen stumbling careful not to step into anyone. Once I reach the living room I'm facing chaos. Clothes, empty bottles of alcohol, naked forms and broken glasses are everywhere, making it harder for me to walk through.

With a sigh, I snap my fingers and a loud rhythm fills the whole apartment making everyone jump, startled my the sudden sound. Too bored to protect my ears from this noise pollution, I suffer in silence and wait until they all wake up and leave, my headache growing more painful with every passing second. Fortunately, the process doesn't take long, but then again it never does. Anyone who joins a 'Magnus Bane' party knows the routine.

Another snap and the floor is clean, the trash is gone, the furniture back in place and the apartment back to normal. Turning the stereo off and feeling relieved that I got rid of every trait from last night's party I enter the kitchen and start making coffee. I need coffee right now, a really strong one.

Once I hear the familiar beeping sound, I watch the coffee being poured into the mug before I take a strong gulp. Aaaahh.... much better. As soon as I'm done with my coffee, I move to my work room and start preparing a potion that'll help with the hangover.

'Seriously Mags, you're 70% of alcohol instead of water', his soft laugh echoing inside my head as the image of our entangled hands laying in his chest comes into my mind. His hot breathe was hitting my neck, as his lips were on mine only moments after, kissing me passionately and sending me in a delirium.

I shake my head violently and continue to mix the ingredients. 'Stop it. Stop thinking about him. It's over, done, he's not here. You have to stop doing this. It's been years. Get over it'. I keep and keep repeating to myself in vain. There's no point anymore.

I gulp down the potion and make my way to the bedroom,my hangover calming down a bit. Of course I still feel like hell, but there's nothing a good nap can't fix. Okay maybe like, a really looong nap. Yep,sounds like a great plan.

But,before I get to fulfil my wish,I hear the sound of the doorbell and groan. I swear, if it's one of the idiots I kicked out before, he's dead.

I make my way to the door and open it. Expecting to be met with a drunk downworlder, my annoyance turns to puzzlement when I'm instead facing the empty hall. Well... that's weird. Super weird. Okay, what in the name of Lilith happened to whoever made me walk all the way from my bed to the entrance?

I'm about to close the door when I notice a small,white box and an envelope laying in my doormat. I pick them up hesitantly, curiosity taking over me. I walk back inside, closing the door with my foot. Placing the envelope in the closest table, I quickly open the box and a horrible smell hits my face. I shake my hand in the air,trying to get that invisible cloud of stink to leave but I don't succeed. Okay, what in all of Edom is in there?

I lean in to get a better glimpse of the content and grab the bag that's inside. Weird... It's dripping something red... wine perhaps? Or... no.. It's dripping... blood. With shaky hands I unleash the thin rope that keeps it close and let out a scream of horror. This is a head... Raphael's face.

Shock was written all over it, his eyes were open and his mouth wide open. Somebody had engraved the words "Even vampires can bleed" on his forehead with a sharp blade.

No... This can't be happening. Raphael... my Raphael... he's... dead. They killed him. How could they?! He was my son! I-- I can't.... I will make them pay. Whoever did this will pay.

Suddenly, I recall the envelope I dropped and grab it,letting Raphael's head fall to the ground. Unfolding it with shaky hands, I find only three words written in it with red, capital letters. I instantly freeze in place the second I read them, my breath caught somewhere between my throat,trying to register what I just read.

No it can't be. This can't be happening. He's supposed to be dead. Gone. I saw it with my own eyes! I snap out of my shock and pick up my phone from the kitchen, dialing Cat's number. I need to inform her about right now.

Three words that signify the end. My end. 'You're next'.

He's back.

Beauty pumpkins!! Soooooo.... what did you think??? Hope you liked it!! I know everything seems a little confusing but trust me, everythimg will eventually make sense... BYE FOR NOW!!!💙💙

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