Chapter 7

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Hello everyone! Long time no see(not literally of course). I want to thank all of you for being patient and keep reading this story even though it's been ages since I've updated it. I have no excuse, but life has been quite crazy and there was no time, and honesty I kind of lost the will to write after some time. BUT, as I have said before, I will finish this story,and thankfully I know how I want it to go, so I just need to write it! Again, I want to thank all of you that are still interested and I want you to know you're the only reason I'll finish it, you guys are amazing! I also want you to know that after this chapter things are about to get reallyy interesting! Don't forget to vote and leave your thoughts below, enjoy!❤

Alec's P.O.V:

"ALEC! Alec, we have to get Max out of here,he is upstairs! We have to-- ALEC!", my sister's cries of despair are echoing in my ears as I try to get her out.

"You have to go Izzy,you have to save yourself! I'll find Max, YOU HAVE TO GO" I yell as I try to push her away from the stairs,away from the fire to safety but she won't budge.

"NO ALEC", she breaks free of my hold and runs up the stairs, while I lose sight of her because of the flames.

"IZZY", I try going after her but one of the pillars hit me from behind and push me down, trapping me to the floor, unable to move as the flames grow stronger and--

A strong push in my shoulder brings me out of my memories as my eyes blink back into reality.

"Hey, watch where you're going!", a stranger yells at me without even looking at me, immediately returning to his phone conversation. 'Stupid muggles', I think before taking a look at my surroundings and realize that I'm still standing in the middle of the busy New York streets, in front of the new New York institute. After the old Institute was burnt down, the Clave decided to relocate the building and brought it here, hidden between two old, abandoned houses houses. Not one of their brightest ideas but to be fair, I don't really care. On the contrary... It makes my job easier.

'A job the old you would never even imagine doing anywhere but in your worst nightmares', a voice inside me whispers and I can feel myself physically scolding.

'A lot of things that my past self could never even begin to imagine happened, so shut up'.

My internal argument thankfully gets interrupted by the opening of the institute's doors, where I barely catch a tall, slim figure disappearing into the crowd. Magnus. Even after all this time, I'd recognize him anywhere.

'Of course you would, you--', the voice start saying, but I shut it out before it gets to finish. The way I shut everything out. I have a job, there's no time to reminisce. I quickly but carefully go after him, keeping just enough distance between us to be able to spot him, without him being able to realize I'm following him. Not that he's likely to understand he's being followed, if his angry voice, talking to someone on the phone, is anything to go by.

'A voice that used to grow soft and caring when addressed to you, like a caress, when you were laying in bed--'. The memory that forms in my mind quickly dissolves when I notice his turn into a dark alley. There's my chance. I swiftly turn after him and hide myself in the shadows of the wall behind him. His silhouette may seem a bit blurry but his voice reaches me crystal clear.

"These downworlders need me, and I plan to be there for all of them, no matter what".

And with that single sentence, every memory, every feeling, every hesitation melts away and the voice that has been trying to stop me from going through with this, is shut down forever. He wants to be there for them. Those scumbags. Of course. He wants to help them, the way he never helps me. To protect them from me, the way he never protected me from them. Not when I needed him to do it the most.

'This is it, there's nothing for you to think about. Just follow his plan. He was there for you. He's all that matters'. My insides freeze once again, the way they have every day of my life since that fateful night and the cold grin that makes me feel safe settles on my face. With a carefully calculated move I push the nearest dumpster towards him and his eyes follow it's path while he quickly ends the call, turning my way. He may not be able to see me yet but I can finally see him clearly. I see his face change, his jaw setting, his features hardening... He knows someone has been following him, his eyes flashing with awareness and something else. Something I can't quite pinpoint. Something dangerous. Something I had never seen before. Not in the eyes of the man I used to love.

'Used to love', a new voice whispers inside my head. A voice much colder and darker than the previous one. 'Used to love but not anymore',  it reminds me. I got to say I like this voice much better. My grin turns wicked as I step out of the shadows. "Hello Magnus".

'Let the game begin'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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