Chapter 1

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'There he is', I think as I see the old vampire slowly walk into the lifeless, dark bar and sit in one of the few,rotten tables, next to what I assume is a team of sealies and orders a drink.

A twisted grin makes it's way in my face as I observe the group from my place,deep in the shadows.'Filthy downworlders', I think when I notice bags of blood pass from the hands of the vampire to the others.

The bloodsucker leaves with a nod of his head after he finishes his drink with a long gulp. Seconds after that I decide to follow him,being as subtle as I can. Judging by the oblivious dead man in front of me, I think I've been quite successful. I see him make a sudden turn into an abandoned alley and my twisted grin grows wider. There's my chance.

I follow him as we both enter the alley, me hot on his trail, him completely unaware that his life is about to end. Rather painfully. I can see him walk towards a wide, faded grey door. But before he gets the chance to push it open, probably making his way back to his dent, I grab him by the collar of his expensive-looking jacket and yank him towards me.

He clearly didn't expect the attack, because a startled look passes on his face before the moment he hits the floor. That's when his expression changes to the one I've been wearing for years. Anger and hatred. Good. Now we're on the same page.

"What do you want from me Nephilim?", he hisses, exposing his fangs. I wonder how they'll look in my collection and smile. They'll definitely make a good addition.

"You're killing my people. The only thing I want from you is your death", I hiss back and I instantly grab him by the neck and force him to stand up before I wrap my arm around it and hold his hands together with my other hand, keeping him right where I want him to be with a death grip.

"I haven't done anything to anybody! I'm innocent! You can't do anything to me!", he yells while struggling to escape from my grip.

"Of course I can you stupid bloodsucker... I'm a Shadowhunter. I can do whatever the hell I want", I whisper in his ear, a deadly look on my face and a vicious grin on my lips. I can feel goosebumps all over his body, which were probably caused by the coldness and emptiness that filled my voice. He's scared of me. Good. He should be.

"You don't have anything against me! I'm-- I'm innocent!", he continues to yell while trying to get himself away from me at any cost, even biting me. Poor thing... he has no idea.

"Can I tell you a secret?", I whisper in his other ear and tighten my grip around him. My voice becomes even more deadly and dangerous, for he suddenly froze.

"I don't fucking care", I say loud and clear so he can feel what kind of trash he is, before I twist my hands and snap his neck. As he falls unconsious I take out the wooden stake I've been keeping in my seraph blade case and without a second thought,pierce it through his heart. And now that scum lies there, dead for a second time in his insignificant life, only this time for good.

I fix my clothes and start walking away, allowing satisfaction to fill my whole body. One more gone. Good riddance. The world is a better place without these disgusting creatures. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket as I pull it out.

'Did you do it?'. Pride takes over me as I type a reply.

'Did you have any doubts?'.

'Of course not. You're the best after all. Come back to the quarters. There's another special assignment just for you. And bring the head of that filth with you'.

Now that's what I'm talking about. This is gonna be fun, is the only thought I have as I say his head and make my way back to my new home.

Hello pumpkins!! Soooo, first chapter is up! It's a little short, but the others will be longer! So,what did you think? Did you like it? Which character's point of view is this chapter? Please comment below your guesses and your thoughts! Until next time(which is going to be soon) love you!💋

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