Chapter 5

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Hey pumkins!!! So, this chapter is showing you a little bit of Alec's past but not the whole story,so don't worry, you've got a lot of great things waiting for you! I hope you enjoy it! Please vote and comment your thoughts below!!

Alec's P.O.V:

"Someone! Please! Help us!", I yell as loud as I can, but more smoke enters my lunges and my coughing gets worse. Fire is everywhere around me and my insides are burning, my skin is burning, I'm burning. My gaze is blurry and I try my hardest not to breathe in the smoke but I can't. I have nothing to cover my nose with and I can't run since my whole body is trapped under the column that collapsed on me when I tried to get in the upper floor. To save anyone I could. To save...

Flames are dancing in front of me in a fast, deadly rhythm, destroying everything in their path. My possessions, my home, my people... everything I love is being destroyed right in front of me. In a few moments there will be nothing left but dust and ashes. Our life, our work... nothing but ashes. I feel my consciousness abandon me as the memory of his golden eyes comes in my mind. He'll be all alone... I don't want that but I can't do anything to help him... I'm... trapped. Nothing can save me now. I make a last attempt to find any possible exits between the ashes but I see none...but wait...what?

To my shock, a blurry form is standing somewhere near the entrance of the Institute. Maybe I'm I'm not...I can't's approaching me! I try harder to stay alive, to stay awake, for what I've left, for him... I struggle to get up and I see the blurry figure picking up the piece of stone that kept me to the ground. He uses his hands to push me off the ground and in my feet.

"I'm here to save you. Come with me and you'll live", a calm and familiar voice tells me as I stand up, trying not to collapse, my senses still weak.

"And in return?", I ask with a hoarse voice. Something inside is screaming not to trust this man, but I can't regain my power and the flames are getting stronger while I'm getting weaker. Time's running out.

"What about—".

"You're the only one left. Come and I'll help you avenge their death. The ones to pay will pay for what they cost you. As long as you come with me...".

A sudden cracking sound wakes me up and I sit up with a jolt, breathing heavily because of my... nightmare? More like a memory. A memory that comes to me almost every night. Haunting me. The desperation, the pain, the attempts to get up, the flames, the help that came when hope abandoned me...him. Them. Everyone and everything I lost.

I move my head, trying to shake off the memories and slowly move my gaze all over the room, trying to detect the sound that woke me up. I used to be a heavy sleeper, but after that night, even the slightest sound is enough to wake me up. Come to think about it, I used to be a lot of things before...

Whatever. I like the way I am now. Everything's easier now, more simple. There's no one to worry about, no one to protect. No more moral dilemmas. Just killing. Just fun. Just revenge.

The same sound that woke me up is heard again, interrupting my thoughts. I get out of bed and reach for my seraph blade.

The sound is heard once again... the window. I slowly approach it and look outside, only to be met with a small , black bird sitting in a branch to the closest tree. So that's what woke me up. Well, that's not very nice of it.

The bird opened his beak once again, probably to repeat that annoying sound again, only to be stopped by my blade thrown at the center of his heart. Blood comes out of his wound and moments later it falls to the ground. Oh well. That's what you get for waking me up.

'We could be immortals, immortals, just not for long, for long', my ringtone blasts in the empty room and forces me to go to my nightstand and pick up my vibrating phone. God I have to change that ringtone.

'VM', I read the ID caller and press the answer bottom.

"It's time", I hear the familiar voice whisper through the line before I get the chance to say anything.

"I'll start at once", comes my immediate reply as I end the phone call. My usual, twisted grin comes back in my face as I walk towards the closet in order to get dressed. It's time. Time for revenge. The game is on.

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