The last one

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“It’s time mate” Tristan smiled and I got up.

“I can’t believe you’re doing this” James smiled as we walked out the room.

“Me either” I smiled, “But I know I want to”

“Well, you don’t want to be late” Connor said and we walked to where everything in my life would change. We all took our position and waited. This was the day I had been picturing my whole life. Everyone thinks of this day during their life. Being here, living this day, has made me realise that nothing gets better than this. I get so many opportunities in life but nothing so far beats this one. After today, everything will change, but I don’t care because the change will be the best thing that’s ever happened to all of us. Well, the only way it will affect the other boys is because I will be the happiest I’ve ever been. It was time. Everything went quiet and soon the most beautiful girl in the whole world walked out. The girl I am about to marry. After three years together... I couldn’t help but smile. Once she joined me up by the priest the whole thing began. The part I had been planning for ages finally came around and there I was left with my vows.

“I’ve been thinking about this since our three year anniversary, everything I’ve wanted to say since then is all written down on here” I started by holding the piece of paper, “But none of this means anything anymore. When you get engaged, you imagine what this day will be like so you can write your vows. The truth is, everything I imagined isn’t even close to this. There could be 100 people here, there could just be you and me and this day would still mean everything to me. As long as I am standing up here with you, nothing else matters. When we first met, I thought you were funny, beautiful and there was just something about you. We might go through times when we both hate each other but we get over it because that’s what you do when you find the person you truly love. As much as I want to tell the boys that then band is the best thing that’s happened to me, I can’t. You’ve given me everything anyone wants in life. A family. I know right now it’s just us and it might always be just us, but that’s all I need. If this band was to ever fall apart or Tristan was to grow old to be the grumpiest man in the world, none of it would affect me for long as you will be there by my side every step of the way. Everything we go through from here on out, we go through together. Whatever happened to us before this day no longer matters to me. I want you, because you are the most important person to me. I love you Mia and no one can take you away from me again”

“Mia” The priest said and she smiled.

“I love you Bradley Will Simpson, that’s all you need to know” She smiled with tears in her eyes. The wedding came to a close and it was now time.

“Do you, Bradley Will Simpson, take Mia Locke to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do”

“Do you, Mia Locke, take Bradley Will Simpson to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do” I stopped listening after this as I stepped closer to Mia and placed my hands on her face before pulling her in to kiss me.

You’re probably wondering what happened to Emma. Well she broke up with me not long after our three year anniversary….


“Brad this isn’t right” Emma said out of nowhere.

“What do you mean?” I asked walking over to sit by her.

“We have so much fun together, and I love your company, but we’re not each other’s happy endings. This isn’t the ending you deserve, settling for me… I want you to be with the person you’re meant to be with and it’s really not me. After seeing that picture of you and Mia, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. You’ve never looked at me like you looked at her, I know you said that I meant more to you than she ever had but we both know it’s not true. I just mean something different to you. You don’t belong with me.”

“Emma, I’m sorry” I mumbled, she was right though.

“So I’m not wrong?” She asked as tears began to fall down her face.

“I really do love you, I don’t want us to be over”

“I think it’s best if I leave now, goodbye Simpson” She said before standing up and leaving. I didn’t say goodbye as she left, I didn’t want to. But I couldn’t stop myself after she did.

“Goodbye Emma” I whispered. After that day I spent the next two years single. I know Emma broke up with me so I could be with Mia but after everything happening, I just wanted to be me for a bit. To live on my own. The band and I grew so much stronger and we’re having so much fun. However, after those two years something had changed again.

I walked down the street I had known for so long. I found the door that was so familiar to me before knocking on it.

“Brad?” Someone questioned and I smiled.

“Hey Ella”

“You’re back!” She smiled before hugging me. She was about 11 now and looked so much more grown up.

“Look at you, you’ve grown” I smiled after letting go.

“Well you haven’t seen me in a while”

“Yeah I know… Is Mia here by any chance?”

“No, she went out about 10 minutes ago”

“Would you happen to know where?”

“No I’m sorry, why do you need her?”

“Well, I’m here to come and get her back” I said before placing my finger on my lips.

“You’re going to get back together?!”

“Well, that depends on your sister” I smiled.

“She will, I know she will, now you go find her” Ella said before pushing me back and shutting the door. I laughed before turning back around and finding someone stood behind me.

“Mia” I breathed and she just stood there.

“How long have you been…?” I started but she stopped me. She walked over to me and crashed her lips to mine. I smiled as she kissed me before placing my hands on her hips. We pulled away and I placed my forehead on hers.

“Um, you wouldn’t fancy going out with me some time would you?” I said out of breath.

“Do you even have to ask Bradley” She smiled with her arms still around my neck.

“This is it, our second chance” I whispered, “it’s already perfect” 

You stole my girl - The Vamps - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now